Dating church app for singles?

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Dating church app for singles?

Post by elblakey »

Hiya, im in ysa, and have troubles dating, and wonderd if there was an app that the church uses for dating. I Love the Lord, and want to do his will, and such. I want to do all I can for the Lord and my Heavenly Parents. I know that it may never be possible in this life for me to start or have a family. But, i really want to have one so i can be exsalted on high. I know that if I stay true to God that all blessings will not be withheld from me. But, i want to try dating, and see if it is the will of the Lord in this life. But, can't, cause no one wants to date me. And i can only hangout with friends, a little group of mine. due to development delays, I am not able to drive, live on my own, etc. But i want to find and choose someonewho would want to spend the eternity with me.. So ya. I want to do the will of The Lord sooooo bad. Also, is there a fourm like this one that is just a hangout type thing, so i can make friends?
I have neurodiversity. And am not neurotypical. I don't trust worldly dating apps, but wonderd if the church put out one for the use of the members who struggle with dating and my type of trials? :D also, it would help that it would be regional specific in around cities and towns and stuff.
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Re: Dating church app for singles?

Post by jdlessley »

There are other similarly related topics discussion in the forum.
Here are two:
Single Adults Website;
Seeking LDS-friendly Forums, Chat Rooms, Social Media, etc..

As far a answering your question about an existing app - there is not a Church sponsored app.
JD Lessley
Have you tried finding your answer on the Help Center or Tech Wiki?
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Re: Dating church app for singles?

Post by elblakey »

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Re: Dating church app for singles?

Post by amynstevens »

There is a new app called Matchmaking Saints that is great for connecting with LDS singles. Although it is not sponsored by the Church.

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