Local Broadcasts on Gospel Stream

Discussions around receiving, originating, and holding Church broadcasts and conferences in meetinghouses including schedules, setup, equipment, and support.
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Re: Local Broadcasts on Gospel Stream

Post by sbradshaw »

garystroble wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 4:14 pm General Handbook Sacrament Meeting. Attendance at sacrament meeting is recorded each week by the ward clerk or an assistant ward clerk. The count is the number attending the meeting in-person or by streaming, including visitors. Ward members who are not present because they have another assignment or are attending another ward are counted in the ward they attend.
Nice – looks like I should have checked the Handbook! :)
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: Local Broadcasts on Gospel Stream

Post by auttie3 »

Have any of you been able to use a template you made with the correct webinar ID and make a new recurring schedule? In the past I was able to somehow to this, but now I can’t. I removed my broadcasts on the events tab because it was not showing up in the Stream app, but it was in the broadcast page. Any idea if I can restore those events on the events page?

Thank you so much!
Autumn Jensen

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