Chapel Speakers/Amplifiers

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Chapel Speakers/Amplifiers

Post by crallen1 »

Can someone more knowledgeable then me tell me if this is possible?
Can I run any or all the speakers off of one amp?

Last Sunday we had started having static in our speakers. Quickly, it was determined to be the output as the inputs sounded clear from the other speakers/amplifiers. After isolating and swapping the speakers/cables/inputs, I determined that the Crown amplifier is causing the static in the speakers. For a temporary fix until FM can fix the issue, we have turned off the Crown amplifier.

I am an electrician, but audio is a bit out of my scope. I would like to know if I can put any of the speakers from the Crown amplifier onto the TOA amplifier. Would paralleling the speakers in the equipment cabinet lower the resistance and cause the speakers to pull too much power? Any other suggestions?

As for audio, without the Crown amplifier, the audio is loud and clear. In the middle of the chapel, the audio does sound a bit distant.

Equipment Details
Crown Com-Tech 200 9054, Parallel Mono, 70V Output (Chapel/Rostrum)
TOA P-912A Amplifier, 70V Output (Soffit/Choir)

Blueprint shows 4 watt, 4" speakers or 8 watt 8" speakers each with a transformer. Blueprints dated 1993.

Chapel is 8", quantity of 12 speakers.
Soffit is 4", qty 6 speakers.
Rostrum is 4" or 8", qty of 4 speakers
Choir are 4", qty of 4 speakers
Unknown on the speaker models.

Rostrum speakers are unknown; the physical grill is 8", but the blueprint stated for 4" speakers with 4" grill. I am not one to make assumptions.
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Re: Chapel Speakers/Amplifiers

Post by russellhltn »

I would just leave the defective amplifier off and contact FM. They usually make getting chapel sound systems fixed a priority. The last time we had a failure, it was fixed by the following Sunday.

The church has a contract with a professional sound company for design, maintenance and repairs. Tampering with the system just complicates things and may make them go though all kinds of tests to bring the system back to specifications.

Yes, adding speakers to an amp can overload it, possibility damaging it.
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