Lesson Schedule for Relief Society

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Re: Lesson Schedule for Relief Society

Post by russellhltn »

zanbabe wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2024 7:41 pm A couple of questions... I found it in the app, but it doesn't allow you to choose a talk from the previous conference, and we have one remaining from that conference this next week. Why doesn't it allow you to change to a previous conference?
Handbook "The focus should be on topics in one or more talks from the most recent general conference."

zanbabe wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2024 7:41 pm Also... why only allow this in a mobile app? Why can't I access this functionality from my computer?
I don't know the answer, but I do know that the different products function on a different refresh schedule. It may come the next time the relevant web pages are worked on.

zanbabe wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2024 7:41 pm Edit: also, shouldn't you take this page down, since it doesn't work anymore?
https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/hel ... f?lang=eng
I would report that via Feedback at the bottom of the page. I have noticed "dead" pages still hanging around - the real question is there a path to that page from from current active pages? Or did this come up from a search.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "site:churchofjesuschrist.org/help" to the search criteria.

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Re: Lesson Schedule for Relief Society

Post by lajackson »

russellhltn wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2024 8:51 pm Handbook "The focus should be on topics in one or more talks from the most recent general conference."
This General Handbook update, while not recent, does represent a change from the procedure followed until several years ago where the April and October discussions were taken from topics at the previous October or April conference, respectively. I think this may have been because conference talks were not readily available in near real time as they are now. We used to have to wait for the May Ensign to arrive, for example, before we had access to the April conference talks. We started using the new set of talks in the month following general conference, not in the month the conference was held.

The current General Handbook changes that, and the operation of the Gospel Library app supports that.
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Re: Lesson Schedule for Relief Society

Post by BrianEdwards »

zanbabe wrote: Wed Oct 16, 2024 7:41 pm A couple of questions... I found it in the app, but it doesn't allow you to choose a talk from the previous conference, and we have one remaining from that conference this next week.
Following on with the previous comments, I know historically many RS/EQ Presidencies would select talks from the April Conference for their October lessons, or at least for their first lesson in October (and the same for their April lessons). This allowed teachers (and members) time to review and prepare for that lesson topic, and also gave time for members to receive the printed Liahona at home, and for the talks to all become available digitally. With the recent Handbook changes and corresponding quick-availability of Conference messages online and in the app (not only English but many other languages as well), it seems best to try and leave the lesson for the "second Sunday in a Conference month" as "TBD".

Once GenConf weekend happens, the Presidency decides "quickly" what lesson they want for the following Sunday, and gets that info out to the teacher and the members. And then they can take a bit more time to decide on the remaining lessons for the upcoming six-month period, with the last lesson topic they decide being the 4th Sunday in September/March. A bit more effort, but there's a lot of blessings that come from having the next-week-lesson after General Conference, be a message that is fresh in our minds, and specific to what the Lord would have us hear today.

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