How do you enable spatial audio like Dolby Atmos in the app?

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How do you enable spatial audio like Dolby Atmos in the app?

Post by sangwoon »

There are several Spatial Audio Technologies in the field and Dolby Atmos is the most familiar name that hit my mind to raise the suggestion. I declare that I do not have any conflict of interest with these fields.

Since music contributes a lot to our spiritual sensations, I felt it is important that the gospel library app (and other apps) should support such technology with various kinds of Church music including the music of the Tabernacle choir at Temple Square. For your information, I am not an audio specialist nor a music specialist, generally, the spatial audio technology gives the listeners of videos and sounds better immersed experiences than those not applied to the technology. I think it is important that even not specialized ears can pick up such differences.

I speculate that background music in endowment sessions at temples may be equipped with spatial audio technology, I also doubt that given the meeting houses in my area does not meet the requirements of such technology. (The amp outputs in MONO even with Dolby atmos supported contents.) I fear for the rising generations may fail to feel the Spirit with much inspirations as they are surrounded with these technology including spatial audio technologies via smartphone, bluetooth headset and earphones, movie theaters, TV (netflix etc.), music streaming services allowing them with deep immersed experiences and The Church fails to provide such deep immersed experiences.

I noticed these differences as I attended the General Conference in person and via YouTube (recorded ones) a week later. In South Korea, we watch the General Conference a week later than SaltLake City, Utah because of the time difference. First time in my life, I have attended all the sessions in person at the Conference center and tabernacle experienced in live and broadcast, noting the differences. The broadcast with Korean voice dubbed showed further differences, I suspect that this is due to the setting that suppresses the speaker's voice when the interpreter speaks. Especially, Choir's music especially gave the differences more in the broadcast and failed to provide deep immersed feelings than I felt at the Conference Center. The broadcast seems to amplify more of the sound of organ than the choir and the diction of the choir is lessened in the broadcast. I attended the Conference sessions at balcony section 11 for Saturday morning and Sunday morning, and Plaza 4 for Saturday afternoon and evening sessions. I watched the relayed conference at Tabernacle for the Sunday afternoon session.)

I came to wonder if the gospel library app, The Church's representative app, supported spatial audio technology and found out that it may not support it. That is why I raised this suggestion. I feel sorry that I suggested it without more specialized or professional opinion nor the answers to the situation. I raised the concern but I do not have the answers. But, I do believe that if The Church takes this matter seriously and puts effort constantly to improve, the effort to provide contents will propagate to the world without diminishing the effort for the contents.

Thank you.
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Re: How do you enable spatial audio like Dolby Atmos in the app?

Post by sbradshaw »

I'd recommend sending feedback through the feedback form in the Sacred Music app (under Settings). Because Sacred Music is focused on music, it's more likely to have music-specific features added than Gospel Library.
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: How do you enable spatial audio like Dolby Atmos in the app?

Post by sangwoon »

I guess I will post a feedback to the sacred music app. How about the gospel library app? Does anyone know if the gospel library app supports or is incorporated with spatial sound tech? How can I find out if it does or not?

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