Accessing sealing clearance form

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Accessing sealing clearance form

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My bishop has asked for the sealing clearance form, which I understand can be accessed through MLS under the confidential forms and reports heading, and then "Application to First Presidency." A previous thread said that this Application was accessible to all regardless of calling (I'm the ward clerk). However, when I select the form, it redirects me to an online page that requires me to login with my LDS account. When I do so, I am given a page that says "Access Denied." Is it still the case that a clerk can access this form, or has it changed to be only accessible to bishops? For those who have had success accessing the form, could you provide step-by-step instructions of what I should do to access it? Thank you.
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Re: Accessing sealing clearance form

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I should also note that I had heard that it could be accessed online through Clerk and Leader Resources, but looking at the access table, it shows that Bishops will have access to it, but that access is not yet available.
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Re: Accessing sealing clearance form

Post by drepouille »

I agree that the access table shows that only bishops, branch presidents, and stake presidents can access the Application to the First Presidency. I sincerely hope the next version of LCR will allow ward clerks, branch clerks, and stake clerks to access the form as well.
Dana Repouille, Plattsmouth, Nebraska
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Re: Accessing sealing clearance form

Post by eblood66 »

drepouille wrote:I agree that the access table shows that only bishops, branch presidents, and stake presidents can access the Application to the First Presidency. I sincerely hope the next version of LCR will allow ward clerks, branch clerks, and stake clerks to access the form as well.
The release notes for the next version say that clerks will be able to see the Confidential Member Information Report but it doesn't mention the Application to the First Presidency. But the fact that one report that was previously only available to bishops (and similar) is being made available to clerks may mean they will consider expanding access for other similar confidential forms like Application.
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Re: Accessing sealing clearance form

Post by regn_lds »

I am requesting for a sealing clearance. And my bishop sent me a sealing cancellation form. Is it the same or different?

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