Book of Mormon in podcast format? Pleeeeease??

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Book of Mormon in podcast format? Pleeeeease??

Post by AELDuke »

Google podcasts, before it was discontinued this year, had the Book of Mormon in podcast format available from the Church. It was spectacular and so much better than the audio version of the scriptures in the library app. Each chapter was a podcast "episode", which meant I could have a playlist with just Book of Mormon, pause, exit, and come back to exactly where I left off without hassle. The library app audio- if I pause it for more than a few minutes, it seems to close out and then I lose my place in the audio because the text on the screen when I open the app backup and the audio don't sync. I have a very boring job and listen to podcasts, audio books, and sometimes music all day long. I could get through the entire Book of Mormon in a week. It was such a wonderful experience to listen to it at that speed and really put together all the stories and history and pride cycles and everything. I have been unable to use the library app the same way because I have to pause periodically, sometimes for 10 or 15 minutes at a time, and when I go back it's lost my place. I have looked at every podcast platform I can think of and I cannot find the Book of Mormon in podcast format like was available through Google podcasts. Is there anyway I could convince the powers that be to make it available somewhere? I would love to be able to download it in a format like that and keep it on my phone forever with a better user interface than the library app.
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Re: Book of Mormon in podcast format? Pleeeeease??

Post by janssenv »

I’ve set up my own private podcast server for the same reasons you have to use a podcast app instead of the Library app, except for general conference talks. Unfortunately, it requires some technical skills to get going. I used the following Docker container:

It’s not a great piece of software, but it’s simple, free, and gets the job done. You just download the audio files and then set them up as a podcast using the software. The service only needs to be running when you download the files to your podcast player, so you can set it up on a PC that doesn’t run 24/7.
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Re: Book of Mormon in podcast format? Pleeeeease??

Post by janssenv »

Just an update because I've switched podcast servers. I'm now using AudioBookShelf. It's only slightly more difficult to set up initially, but it is MUCH easier to use and is currently maintained.

Another option for you might be the LibriVox version. This will be the easiest way to get what you're looking for. LibriVox records audio for books in the public domain, i.e., the copyrights have expired. The website doesn't identify which edition of the Book of Mormon they made the recording from, but it certainly won't be the 2013 edition. ... -smith-jr/. You might be able to point your podcast app at the RSS feed, or just use the M4B format files in an audiobook reader.

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