Impossible to order anything from the online store outside of US

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Re: Impossible to order anything from the online store outside of US

Post by BrianEdwards »

That's definitely unfortunate, I know that worldwide, sometimes there are issues with production and distribution that affect availability. Have you discussed this with your Bishop? I would expect that your Bishop would be motivated to help all his members not only be temple recommend holders, but also to have the necessary clothing (garments as well as the ceremonial clothing). If you are experiencing these issues, it's likely common for other members in your ward and stake as well, so getting the Bishop involved might help get some traction. It may be that if the Bishop calls and asks the same questions you are asking, he might get a better response.

I served in Cordoba as a missionary many years ago, arriving the same year they opened the Buenos Aires Temple, and it's incredible to know you now have a temple right there in Cordoba!
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Re: Impossible to order anything from the online store outside of US

Post by Kimberla »

If we click on the tiny world in the upper right hand corner, it allows us to switch countries for any online orders.
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Re: Impossible to order anything from the online store outside of US

Post by Meg2polarbearz »

If you have aonline, there is a phone number you can find by typing phone number of and you can order by phone. The number is the same for USA and Canada; I have successfully ordered this way several times. TYPE in your search browser for the telephone number.
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Re: Impossible to order anything from the online store outside of US

Post by Meg2polarbearz »

Talk to a real person to let then know of the problem; in your browser, type phone number of the Church ofJesus Christ,org. You will get to talk to a caring person, who will do their best to communicate this problem to the proper folks to get you the help you need. Th telephone people are so positive and kupind, good listeners, that I wonder if they are missionaries.
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Re: Impossible to order anything from the online store outside of US

Post by Bryce2787 »

I am not sure if this was fixed for OP or not but I can vouch that this is an actual legitimate issue which myself, my ward clerk and another bishop (outside the USA) also have/had. It took me 3-4 rounds of persistent follow-ups to my local area office before they got it fixed.

The issue seems to arise when you inadvertently have USA based addresses saved in your list of addresses (it being the default country selected). The system won't let you change country because changing country would trigger a store change so it won't let you add a new address in another country either. End result is that the shipping never calculates leaving you unable to proceed. I believe what is required is an admin to delete all of your currently stored USA addresses.

Now mine is working the other bishop gets me to order their sacrament cups and just transfers our unit the money - for him it is a lot less hassle than going through the pain of getting the store issue resolved!

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