Building Hardware resources - staging curtain trollies

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Building Hardware resources - staging curtain trollies

Post by martyriker »

This is not exactly a digital technology question.

My father is looking to repair some curtain trolley system components in his 1980 area building. He doesn't know where to find these parts. Any ideas?
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Re: Building Hardware resources - staging curtain trollies

Post by russellhltn »

That's a FM responsibility. I'd open a FIR on that.

If they want to work with your dad, that's fine. They should have some resources.
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Re: Building Hardware resources - staging curtain trollies

Post by dave.swartz »

Marty, ... rrier.html ... heels.html
Here is what I found in a 4 minute search on the Internet. Check and see if the measurements match. I am sure that you can find other sources as well.

I applaud your fathers desire to fix and help maintain older church buildings. My parents, along with the members of their ward, built their local church building. That's how it was done.

Our FMG manager said that if there are any issues with the black background curtains on the stage they will just remove them. I don't know if this is a local interpretation or more wide spread. Might be something for your high council rep over facilities to have a friendly off the record discussion with the FMG Manager to get his input and advice. That way you can head off putting in a FIR having the unattended consequence of someone removing the curtains completely.
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Re: Building Hardware resources - staging curtain trollies

Post by martyriker »


We called the vendor and the sampled a heavy duty version that might work. ... track.html
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Re: Building Hardware resources - staging curtain trollies

Post by russellhltn »

dave.swartz wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2024 6:17 pm Our FMG manager said that if there are any issues with the black background curtains on the stage they will just remove them. I don't know if this is a local interpretation or more wide spread.
Given that the church has generally moved away from theatrical performances like road shows, it's likely common.

The stage at our stake center was modified to allow storing the backdrops off-stage to protect them, but I don't think they were ever put away.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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