Can parents be added to the 'Youth' circle

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Re: Can parents be added to the 'Youth' circle

Post by tobysorensen »

sanaya wrote: Sat May 28, 2022 6:13 am yes, parents can be added to the youth circles, but only the circle administrators can do it.
Go to the circle
Click on the people icon at the top right
Then click on the pencil icon in the lower right when you see the list of people already in the circle.
You can add people by calling in the ward or individually.
This seems like the only way that parents can comment on their kid's circle which isn't ideal. Thank you for letting everyone know.

Parents should be able to comment on their children circle. If a parent can't take their child to an activity or something they could look to the circle to help out. The parents being able to write in that circle should be automatic. When can this be fixed?
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Re: Can parents be added to the 'Youth' circle

Post by BrianEdwards »

When can this be fixed?
This thread doesn't have this info yet, although other threads about the Circles app do have the following information. For your awareness, this Forum is member-to-member help, and not a part of the official Church support. Forum members are in a similar situation as yourself, outside of any Church decision-making process. So it's difficult for anyone here to know if the current implementation is purposeful (privacy laws, etc), or if it's simply a matter of prioritizing the list of enhancements. The only real recourse you have is to submit Feedback (from inside the Circles app), stating your situation and the feature request. Not ideal, but it's all any of the rest of us can do for similar situations.
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Re: Can parents be added to the 'Youth' circle

Post by ausmil »

This app excludes the thousands of parents that are in divorced homes. My children’s records are in both words, but the circles app only works in the wards. The parents records are in so thousands of parents will get cut off from encouraging their children to go to activities does anyone know a solution to this?
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Re: Can parents be added to the 'Youth' circle

Post by BrianEdwards »

ausmil wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2024 8:56 pm This app excludes the thousands of parents that are in divorced homes. My children’s records are in both words, but the circles app only works in the wards. The parents records are in so thousands of parents will get cut off from encouraging their children to go to activities does anyone know a solution to this?
I don't know if for the parent who is not in the child's home ward, creating an "out-of-unit membership record" would work. That seems like the only potential workaround that pops into my mind, although there's possibly other issues with the child only appearing in one household and I don't know if that impacts anything (other Forum members may have experience trying something like this)

At a higher-level, if I was a youth leader and had a youth in that situation, I would be very open to making sure both parents were fully aware of all announcements and communications. Even if it required consistent additional effort on my part, as a youth leader I'd be truly interested in making sure the youth and their parents felt fully included in our efforts. So I would hope that if a divorced parent had a one-on-one conversation with the youth's Bishop and/or other youth leaders, they would do their best to try and keep the out-of-ward parent in the communication loops, and ensure info available in Circles was duplicated to the other parent.

It's a real issue for many youth and parents. Circles definitely has specific limitations, but I think most divorced parents face similar issues with whatever communication method is in place in a local ward.
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Re: Can parents be added to the 'Youth' circle

Post by russellhltn »

I'm not sure about circles, but in some situations the parent must be listed as the parent on the child's record and be in the same household as the child.

If true, that's likely to exclude the parent who isn't in the ward. Adding them as a out-of-unit member isn't likely to be a solution as it will show a married family in the ward directory.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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