Missionary call letter

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Missionary call letter

Post by www.bright1900@gmail.com »

I want to know the period it takes to receive a call letter
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Re: Missionary call letter

Post by liamtheknight@hotmail.com »

As a current missionary from Australia it takes, on average, around 2 weeks once the Stake President has submitted the missionary application to the missionary department. We (Australians) receive our calls on Wednesday as a general rule. This is without any issues happening, if there are any issues it may take longer. Even if there aren't any issues it can still take much longer, my friend from my ward waited for I think up to 6 weeks for their call back (the fact he was a dual citizen might have affected wait time), I know of current missionaries from Utah who have waited for up to 6 weeks as well.

Do not sit around waiting, increase your spiritual fortitute because a mission is the hardest experience you would have experienced up until this point of your life. You will be "working"12 hours for 6 days a week. If you have chosen to come on a mission because of pressure from family, friends etc you will either go home early, survive by going through the motions or come back with a testimony. Work on yourself spiritually, emotionally and physically (in that order) and you will be prepared.

-Elder Nana Yaw

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