Old Clerk computer

Discussions around the setup, operation, replacement, and disposal of clerk computers, not to include using MLS
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Old Clerk computer

Post by tauchefrank »

We have an older Dell computer for the clerk and it takes for ever to get this started with Windows 10 Pro.
Why can we use on those old computers Linux Mint, that is installed in less then 10 minutes and works so well with old computers.
The clerk is using online tools and LCR anyway and it would extend the life of the computer and would save the church a lot of money for new computer, especially for those computers that can´t handle Windows 11 anymore.
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Re: Old Clerk computer

Post by russellhltn »

Check the service tag for the date the computer was built. Windows machines are supposed to be replaced by FM every 5 years.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "site:churchofjesuschrist.org/help" to the search criteria.

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Re: Old Clerk computer

Post by jinngonqui »

Church Policy; but to be more direct -- for management and accounting. Indeed, reach-out to the FM (it should already be on their radar if it is nearing Warranty Expiration, and they should be informed of issues -- yet, I believe that such communication is through the Stake Technology Specialist).
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Re: Old Clerk computer

Post by RyanGard1977 »

This is correct, the STS should be keeping up with computer (and clerk printer) age but sometimes there are some good proactive FMs who are able to stay on top of this as well, but they are super super busy and overworked as-is so the STS is most helpful here.
Ryan Gardner

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