LDSTech Community Conference and the Beta Test projects

Beta testing of the applications hosted on
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LDSTech Community Conference and the Beta Test projects

Post by jdcr256 »

I want to invite everyone who has helped out on our beta test projects to come to the LDSTech Community Conference on March 28 - 30. I will be giving a presentation about this beta test project, how it has benefited our applications, and some of the possibilities for future involvement.

In addition, we will have an open project room throughout most of the conference were different team members (church employees) will be available to answer questions about the applications that have been here in beta and how you can continue to help out in the future.

I really think this beta test program has a great future with LDS.Org, and I hope that in the future we can find better ways for you to integrate into our project, and even make contributions beyond just testing.

At the conference, I hope to have an opportunity to meet some of you face to face and thank you for your work. In addition, I'd love to hear your ideas for making this testing project a better experience for you, and how we can help you to better help us.

You can get more information at the conference's wiki page, and register for the conference here.

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