Descenders Cut Off

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Descenders Cut Off

Post by mevans »

Characters that descend below the baseline in the roman alphabet (thinks like g, j, y) are cut off.

This is nothing new and is a problem with most tools on, so I'm not sure this is the place to report it. I observe it on both Macs and Windows.
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Post by aebrown »

mevans wrote:Characters that descend below the baseline in the roman alphabet (thinks like g, j, y) are cut off.

This is nothing new and is a problem with most tools on, so I'm not sure this is the place to report it. I observe it on both Macs and Windows.
Can you give a specific example and/or screen shot? I have looked all over the beta Lesson Schedules and can't find a single example of this happening (I'm on Win7, and I tried multiple browsers).

In your earlier post on this topic (Bug: descenders being cut off on lesson names) you said it happened on Mac but not Windows. Has that changed so that it now happens on Windows?
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Post by lisaan »

We've seen this on the Mac in Safari and Chrome. I don't see it as much in Windows 7 with Firefox. It's logged as an issue for fixing in a future version of Lesson (reference 430).
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Post by mevans »

Here are screenshots from Windows 7 browsers showing the problem. IE9 works fine.
Windows Descenders Lesson Schedules.pdf
Let me know if you want screenshots from a Mac. I probably won't be able to do that until Friday evening or the weekend.
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Post by russellhltn »

What is the Zoom in IE9 set to? What happens if you press Ctrl-0 (Ctrl-zero)?
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Post by mevans »

The Zoom was at 100% when it looked fine. If I go to 200% or above in IE I can see that the very bottom of the "g" is cut off. So it might actually be cut off at 100%, but it's small enough that I didn't notice. I zoomed in with the Magnifier to see what the pixels look like at 100%. The descender of the "g" is fully formed. If anything is cut off, it would just be smoothing pixels.
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Post by lisaan »

This has been fixed and will be in the next version of Lesson that is deployed.
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