Church Webcast Setup for Teradek

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Re: Church Webcast Setup for Teradek

Post by lajackson »

russellhltn wrote:Auto Configuration is no longer supported. You'll have to use the Teradek Manual Setup.
But that is the point. I cannot get to the Teradek manual setup screen so that I can set up anything. At this point, if there are any problems with the Teradek, it becomes a brick.
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Re: Church Webcast Setup for Teradek

Post by russellhltn »

Hmmmm. That document didn't describe what I expected it to.

By "Manual mode" I mean going into the menus of the Teradek itself, or the Teradek app. It's no longer done though the portal or the church webcast system.
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Re: Church Webcast Setup for Teradek

Post by Mikerowaved »

lajackson wrote:I cannot get to the Teradek manual setup screen so that I can set up anything.
On a church PC, log into TM and look for connected devices in the Public Zone. One will identify as VidiU-xxxxx. Note the IP address, and optionally, the MAC address. Open a web browser and type in the IP address. If no one has set a password yet, you'll be able to access the web interface right away.

You can also make some setting changes via the front panel, including reading/setting the IP address. A short video on THIS PAGE will help guide you.

Armed with the MAC address, you can use TM to make a permanent IP address for your Teradek. I wrote the IP address on a piece of masking take and stuck it to the top of the Teradek. It's also recommended you make up some password for it. My chosen PW is also on the tape.
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Re: Church Webcast Setup for Teradek

Post by lajackson »

Mikerowaved wrote:
lajackson wrote:I cannot get to the Teradek manual setup screen so that I can set up anything.
Open a web browser and type in the IP address. If no one has set a password yet, you'll be able to access the web interface right away.
I suppose I misspoke. I can get to the Teradek web interface, but not to the settings screen. There is no longer a Settings button. I get an Overlay Settings button that gives me four options that apparently add an overlay to the Teradek stream.

I need to get to the actual Settings button itself so that I can, well, change settings such as volume, RTMP URL and Stream addresses (if I decide to move from the Church webcast system as we have been asked to do), etc.

I already have the Teradek set to a fixed IP address. I can address it that way, but when I get there, the Settings button is missing.

This happened when the Church moved away from auto configuration and set a permanent RTMP URL and Stream. I am afraid if I do a hard reset that I will lose connectivity to the Church system altogether and never get it back.
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Re: Church Webcast Setup for Teradek

Post by russellhltn »

Are you connected to the Teradek, or to a church website?
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Church Webcast Setup for Teradek

Post by lajackson »

russellhltn wrote:Are you connected to the Teradek, or to a church website?
I am on the local network hitting the IP of the Teradek, just as I have always done. I get a different menu from the Teredek now.
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Re: Church Webcast Setup for Teradek

Post by russellhltn »

That's interesting. I wouldn't think that going to automatic would change that. A firmware upgrade could hide the button.

There's also a possibility that you have to log into the page before you get to play with the settings. It's been awhile since I've played with ours.

I can't remember if I used the web page or the app. I do know I bounced between the two for a bit.

Also, I think my connection was via the built-in AP and not over the LAN.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Church Webcast Setup for Teradek

Post by lajackson »

russellhltn wrote:There's also a possibility that you have to log into the page before you get to play with the settings.
Then there should be a login screen.

I know that they advertised an iOS app, but never an Android app (my phone of choice), so I was relegated to using the LAN to reset the links each conference until the auto configuration process saved me from that pain. Now that is gone away, but in the process Salt Lake set the Teradek to whatever it needed to be so that it still works with the unchanging links. But I have no way to change anything further.
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Re: Church Webcast Setup for Teradek

Post by russellhltn »

lajackson wrote:I know that they advertised an iOS app, but never an Android app (my phone of choice),
VidiU - Requires Android 7 or higher.

When I get a chance, I'll play around with mine, but I don't think I ever set it to automatic.
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Re: Church Webcast Setup for Teradek

Post by Mikerowaved »

Try navigating to (only using your box's IP address). This is the main settings page where you should see 4 large icons for Broadcast, Video/Audio, System, and Network. If this fails, then I suggest you either re-flash the firmware or perform a hard reset on your device. Either way, the link to the church should still be there after it finishes rebooting. If not, it's easy to re-associate it with your stake.
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