I've got another link where I shared what we've been doing for broadcasts, but given the topic of the thread I'll share it here again, as we've made a few changes since the handbook update talking about continuing broadcasts.
Given the language of "Both the device and the person using it should be inconspicuous." we were able to talk the FM group into running ethernet to the back of each chapel in our stake (4 buildings). We mounted a SMTAV camera in the back of each chapel
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09D7D5T9S these cameras are using the same optics/electronics/firmware as the PTZ Optics cameras, at half the price. We continued using the Raspberry Pi's that we had started with, and moved those into the audio cabinets so they're locked away and can't be disturbed. I created a board for tapping into the same audio feed that goes out to the "Record Out" output in the chapel.
Broadcasts themselves are automated, they start 5 min. before the meeting is scheduled to start, and go till 5 min. after. There is a simple web-page where the ward technology specialist can run the camera between presets, pause the broadcast for sacrament, and extend or stop the meeting as needed if the automated end-time isn't sufficient. This keeps the technology barrier very low for using the system, is inconspicuous as the only visible device is the small camera in the back corner of the chapel.
As an added bonus since the cameras use the NDI protocol, it's possible to use them from Zoom or other conferencing applications from a laptop if needed for other meetings.
If you'd like to see more details, this is the document I put together for the Bishoprics and Ward Technology specialists
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QIp ... rQrdEHn_M/ and the broadcast automation scripts are all available on GitHub