Larix Broadcaster (Webcast from a cell phone)

Using the Church Webcasting System, YouTube, etc. Including cameras and mixers.
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Re: Larix Broadcaster (Webcast from a cell phone)

Post by russellhltn »

mrichman wrote:Meaning the rtmp URL's can be reused each week by the wards and members accessing the event?
For the person originating the broadcast? No.

For the viewers? There's a couple of options. You could send them to the stake page were all the public events will be listed. Or, you could use a URL shortener and update where that points to each week.
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Re: Larix Broadcaster (Webcast from a cell phone)

Post by mevans »

mrichman wrote:Sorry that I am coming in on this a little late to the party on this and I apologize if the answer is elsewhere on these forums, but is there any ability to have repeat meetings.
Meaning the rtmp URL's can be reused each week by the wards and members accessing the event? Allowing for less complication each week?
If you are referring to the church webcast system, no you cannot reuse the RTMP URL/stream id. You need to create a new one for each broadcast. To simplify things, some stakes create a meeting for each building and set it to run all Sunday.
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Re: Larix Broadcaster (Webcast from a cell phone)

Post by mrichman »

Thank you both very much!

Are there any issues having a stream that stops and starts throughout the day?
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Re: Larix Broadcaster (Webcast from a cell phone)

Post by russellhltn »

mrichman wrote:Are there any issues having a stream that stops and starts throughout the day?
I don't know. And even if it's OK now, it may not stay that way.
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Re: Larix Broadcaster (Webcast from a cell phone)

Post by lajackson »

mrichman wrote:Are there any issues having a stream that stops and starts throughout the day?
There does not seem to be a problem. This evening a clerk and I took turns running a Larix Broadcast on the same Webcast meeting reservation. When each of us dropped the feed, the Tabernacle Choir started singing, and as each of us started sending again, the webcast resumed.

During Live events, the Stake Technology Specialist normally will get an email when the feed to a webcast stops, but the meeting is still available to pick up again until the time reserved for the meeting has ended.
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Re: Larix Broadcaster (Webcast from a cell phone)

Post by lajackson »

Mikerowaved wrote:Here are the instructions I wrote up for our stake
This evening we received an email that the encoder target rate exceeded the maximum encode rate (2929:2300) - Please reduce the encode rate on your encoder. We were running Larix on an iOS phone.

What setting did we miss?
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Re: Larix Broadcaster (Webcast from a cell phone)

Post by russellhltn »

lajackson wrote:There does not seem to be a problem. This evening a clerk and I took turns running a Larix Broadcast on the same Webcast meeting reservation. When each of us dropped the feed, the Tabernacle Choir started singing, and as each of us started sending again, the webcast resumed.
That's fine in testing, but what if you schedule a long session for the building and each ward turns their feed on/off? In other words, you schedule for 4 hours, but there's a 30-45 minute gap of no streaming before the next ward starts? I'm guessing that's what the person was thinking about. It might work. Then again, the second or third ward may make an unpleasant discovery if the rules change.
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Re: Larix Broadcaster (Webcast from a cell phone)

Post by lajackson »

russellhltn wrote:That's fine in testing, but what if you schedule a long session for the building and each ward turns their feed on/off? In other words, you schedule for 4 hours, but there's a 30-45 minute gap of no streaming before the next ward starts? I'm guessing that's what the person was thinking about. It might work. Then again, the second or third ward may make an unpleasant discovery if the rules change.
As far as I know, it works fine now. If a stake conference ends on time the webcast servers will still stay on until I turn them off. I have gone over an hour without a feed and not lost them.

I am sending you a PM with an extra line I chose not to put in this post, but I am almost certain you will enjoy it. [grin]
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Re: Larix Broadcaster (Webcast from a cell phone)

Post by russellhltn »

lajackson wrote:This evening we received an email that the encoder target rate exceeded the maximum encode rate (2929:2300) - Please reduce the encode rate on your encoder. We were running Larix on an iOS phone.

What setting did we miss?
I'd look over the document for Broadcast to YouTube from iPhone. Based on the screen shots, Under Settings, Audio/Video Encoding, there's a "Avg Bitrate". Based on the screen shot, the default may be 3000 kbits/sec. I'd suggest knocking it down to 2000. Maybe lower depending on your available upload bandwidth.
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Re: Larix Broadcaster (Webcast from a cell phone)

Post by russellhltn »

lajackson wrote:As far as I know, it works fine now.
And when is the last time we got a timely notice of a change? [grin]

Having the servers run is likely "running the meter". Someone may decide on a cost-cutting move.
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