Larix Broadcaster (Webcast from a cell phone)

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Larix Broadcaster (Webcast from a cell phone)

Post by russellhltn »

Larix Broadcaster is an app that will webcast with nothing more than an a smart phone. It can feed any number of distributions systems, including the Church Webcast system as well as YouTube.

Attached is a Word document that can be used as a starting point.
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Re: Larix Broadcaster

Post by russellhltn »

First update: To zoom - use the touchscreen to expand and pinch just like a photo.
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Re: Larix Broadcaster

Post by kreeve »

Thanks for sharing this. Our building does not have hardware encoding device so I was hoping to find something I could still use the churches streaming distribution system for.

Will give it a try.

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Re: Larix Broadcaster

Post by Mikerowaved »

russellhltn wrote:First update: Zoom - use the touchscreen to expand and pinch just like a photo.
You might want to avoid the word "Zoom" as it can be easily confused with a product of the same name. I suggest using the word "Zooming", or the phrase, "To zoom".
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Re: Larix Broadcaster

Post by russellhltn »

Mikerowaved wrote:I suggest using the word "Zooming", or the phrase, "To zoom".
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Re: Larix Broadcaster

Post by sbradshaw »

Mikerowaved wrote:
russellhltn wrote:First update: Zoom - use the touchscreen to expand and pinch just like a photo.
You might want to avoid the word "Zoom" as it can be easily confused with a product of the same name. I suggest using the word "Zooming", or the phrase, "To zoom".
Or "Zoom in or out."
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Re: Larix Broadcaster

Post by bretbassett »

Thanks for this discussion thread. Attached is an example of what another Ward did with the free Larix Broadcaster App.
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Re: Larix Broadcaster

Post by russellhltn »

I've read that the iPhone OS will kill the stream if anything else gets "focus". That's probably what's behind the requirement to silence all interruptions. However, I'm surprised that airplane mode with WiFi on would accomplish that.

If there is a choice, Android might be the better pick for it's ability to continue streaming while doing other things - like checking your battery level.
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Re: Larix Broadcaster (Webcast from a cell phone)

Post by dcmccarty »

For anyone else who, like me, hasn't done anything with webcasting using the church's Webcast 3.0 and you don't have a Teradek device and don't know where to start, here are a few steps that the previous users have assumed you knew and skipped over:

1) Go to
2) You can get help there on getting started, but one thing you will need to do is click on the "Teredek" button and add a new device. Yes, you don't have one, but that's OK. Just click the button, name it "phone" or something like that and leave the rest blank/default and click add.
3) Now you can schedule an event. Select "phone" as your teredek device
4) After it is scheduled, the meeting will show up on your dashboard. At the top right is a gear that says "setup" click it and go to "Other setup". Here you will find the RTMP URL and stream name.
5) Proceed with the other instructions on this page.

NOTE: I'm still experimenting and trying to get this to work, so if I've said something wrong above, I'm hoping someone else who knows more about it than me will correct me. Thanks!
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Re: Larix Broadcaster (Webcast from a cell phone)

Post by russellhltn »

dcmccarty wrote:but one thing you will need to do is click on the "Teredek" button and add a new device. Yes, you don't have one, but that's OK. Just click the button, name it "phone" or something like that and leave the rest blank/default and click add.
3) Now you can schedule an event. Select "phone" as your teredek device
When scheduling, you can simply select "Other". Creating a dummy entry for "Phone" isn't necessary.

And you're right, I did skip over a number of details as I was focused on the "origination" end and not "distribution".
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