SWARM testing for Directory

Beta testing of the Local Unit Directory Application
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SWARM testing for Directory

Post by lisaan »

SWARM testing is what we call crowd-sourcing testing here at tech.lds.org. It allows us to get information about how Directory is working from lots of people that have various types of setups and hardware. On the SWARM page you get a list of steps or tests to perform. You can do as many or as few as you like. The results are recorded and, if you find a bug, it is automatically recorded and sent to us. We're excited about adding this new type of testing and hope to get good results from it.

The steps to find the Directory SWARM page:
Go to http://tech.lds.org/ and login.
Click on Projects at the top.
Local Unit Directory should be on the list of projects you've signed up for*.
Click on the Local Unit Directory link.
On the next page there is a list of links.
Find Swarm: https://tech.lds.org/swarm/projects/LUD and click on it.
(Bookmark this link if you don't want to do all these steps in the future).
You're on the SWARM page. You can start testing.
If you have a build number, type it in. If you don't leave this field blank.
When you execute a step click either the Pass or the Fail radio button to record the results.
If you have suggestions or improvements for the tests on this list, please let us know. We love to hear your comments.

*If you haven't signed up for Local Unit Directory:
Look on the Available Applications list below and find Local Unit Directory.
Click on the link.
Click the Join button on the next page. You're in!

Thank you for helping make Directory a useful tool for you and other church members.
QA Engineer

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