What are the service warranty provisions?

This forum contains resources meant to answer the most frequently asked questions relating to the local unit copier program; also, instructional documentation related to basic operation of copiers, features, and toner cartridge and drum replacement.
Copier Admin-p40
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What are the service warranty provisions?

Post by Copier Admin-p40 »

Church-vendor contracts generally provide for a reasonable effort on the vendor's part to respond to service calls and fix broken devices before they replace them. This might involve repeated service calls from members to satisfy these requirements.

Do not call for or schedule service on Saturday, Sunday, or holidays; vendor service hours are regular working days around 8-5. Reasonable allowance should be made to accommodate a technician’s schedule, or where copiers are located in remote areas. Work done outside regular working hours is not covered under warranty and may result in obligating the local unit to pay additional fees. Repairs necessitated by user abuse or damage, even if accidental, (as determined by the technician) is not covered under warranty.

Experience indicates that members become frustrated with broken equipment, but often do not place service calls. Replacement under warranty is justified only when sufficient service history is documented, and at the discretion of the vendor.
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Re: What are the service warranty provisions?

Post by MooreRK »

As an FM and having to renew warranties almost continously, would it be adviseable to indicate on this link that Xerox has a link where the copier serial number can be inserted to show the current status of the warranty - active or expired? If expired, the FM group needs to be notified to renew the warranty. If unrenewable the FM group needs to plan on replacing the copier. It is also adviseable to check the warranty status prior to calling in for a repair. If the warranty hasn't been renewed and is expired, the repair will fall to "out of pocket costs". By renewing the warranty first, then calling in the repair, it will be covered under warranty. To my knowledge this type link isn't available with HP.
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Re: What are the service warranty provisions?

Post by johnshaw »


Your information is different than FMG I deal with. Here in the midwest I work with 2 separate FMG and both indicate that a printer is to be used until it physically dies... not that it is replaced after warranty. This is extremely frustrating to deal with as all indications I have are what you posted above, but when I ask about replacing copiers I get the nuh-uh response.
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