Assistant technology specialists

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Assistant technology specialists

Post by simonawright »

The calling of assistant technology specialist was announced in a letter on the 3rd July.

Does anyone know what access they have?
Will the global service centre sort technical issues with them?
Do they have access to the technology manager site?
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Re: Assistant technology specialists

Post by Negrobueno »

Here is a good resource for all things 'assistant technology specialist' ... s?lang=eng
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Re: Assistant technology specialists

Post by Mikerowaved »

Thanks for the link to the FAQ, it was very helpful. The only thing that concerns me is point #6.
6. What type of systems access do assistant technology specialists receive?

​When the calling is put into the MLS system correctly, they will have similar access to STSs, including access to Technology Manager ( and all help content at Like STSs, they do not automatically get access to MLS.
I have no problem with the visibility of the firewall status pages, but the ability to reset it and (soon) to even rescript it gives me concern. I would feel better if those particular functions were only visible to the STS and higher callings.
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Re: Assistant technology specialists

Post by johnshaw »

I have no problem with the calling have access to the firewalls. Certainly helps when you have qualified people in those callings. I know a ton of stake clerks that I'm terrified they have the access because they have absolutely no experience with technology.
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Re: Assistant technology specialists

Post by russellhltn »

Or high counselors. Never did figure out why they got access.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Assistant technology specialists

Post by CleggGP »

Regarding the use of Technology Manager ( the Assistant Stake Technology Specialist has basically the same rights as the Stake Technology Specialist. The only difference in TM is the Assistant cannot (for now) upgrade the Meetinghouse Firewall. The right to upgrade a firewall is currently limited to STSs and Facility Managers.
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Re: Assistant technology specialists

Post by drepouille »

I was pleasantly surprised to hear yesterday that my stake had called a female Assistant STS.
Was there a recent change to policy?
Dana Repouille, Plattsmouth, Nebraska
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Re: Assistant technology specialists

Post by Mikerowaved »

drepouille wrote:I was pleasantly surprised to hear yesterday that my stake had called a female Assistant STS.
Was there a recent change to policy?
No change. Since the creation of the AST calling in 2014, any male or female 12 years old or over can be called.
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Re: Assistant technology specialists

Post by Mikerowaved »

Mikerowaved wrote:
drepouille wrote:I was pleasantly surprised to hear yesterday that my stake had called a female Assistant STS.
Was there a recent change to policy?
No change. Since the creation of the AST calling in 2014, any male or female 12 years old or over can be called.
This brings up an interesting question. Currently those called to ATS positions show up in the directory (either at or Member Tools) under Organizations --> Entire Stake --> Other Callings --> Technology. Recently we had an Aaronic Priesthood brother called as an ATS from a different ward than mine and he's not showing up on the above list. Is this because, as STS, I can't see youth in other wards?
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Re: Assistant technology specialists

Post by jonesrk »

Mikerowaved wrote:
Mikerowaved wrote: This brings up an interesting question. Currently those called to ATS positions show up in the directory (either at or Member Tools) under Organizations --> Entire Stake --> Other Callings --> Technology. Recently we had an Aaronic Priesthood brother called as an ATS from a different ward than mine and he's not showing up on the above list. Is this because, as STS, I can't see youth in other wards?
That would be my guess since the position does exist in CDOL. The only other possibility is that it hasn't sync'd down to tools.

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