Internet and Media Safety for Families by Yogi Schulz

This forum contains discussions related to keeping families and individuals safe while making use of technology. Acceptable topics would range from how to protect families from Internet predators and online pornography, monitoring and protecting cell phone usage and text messaging, locking unwanted television and movies from various devices, protecting and monitoring computer game usage, and promoting safe Internet and technology use.
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Internet and Media Safety for Families by Yogi Schulz

Post by YogiSchulz »

Internet and Media Safety for Families by Yogi Schulz
A seven lesson Adult Sunday School class
At the request of our Stake Presidency, I have developed and taught a seven lesson Adult Sunday School class titled "Internet and Media Safety for Families".
Each lesson is a blend of material from the Family Relations course plus material I developed about safety on the web and related technology. Each lesson consists of PowerPoint slides, handouts and video. I believe this course will be of value to many wards.
You can download the lessons for your use at this URL. ... e&id=10952
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Re: Internet and Media Safety for Families by Yogi Schulz

Post by INOCsolutions »

Great lesson on internet and media safety. Families need to monitor their kids on internet usage as there's so many things that they can see in the net. A network system won't be too bad to keep tabs on how things are going so that you will be able to set a limiter on what activities your kids can do.

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