Online Donations

Discussions about the Online Donation system.
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Online Donations

Post by eldersamuelson »

So I am usually a calm person, but whenever I use the church's website it never fails to get me stirred up. I'll keep it to one complaint in this thread... I was trying to set up my online donations and when I click on the link it then gives me a pop-up stating that I need to have a valid email address. As far as I knew my email address was valid, so I updated it and then it says my session has timed out. So I tried it again... same result. I tried it in a different web browser and that time it let me "update" my email. Went to try donations link again, and it has that dumb pop-up telling me I need a valid email address. I tried it in three different web browsers on a desktop computer and tried it on my phone too. Every time is says I need a valid email and won't let me progress any further. I tried sending my complaint to the help people from the my lds account page and when I finished filing my complaint and clicked submit it said my session had timed out! I almost said a bad word at this point. Is using a check and handing it to the bishop really my only option at this point? I thought online tithe and offering payments were supposed to be convenient?! Thanks for your time. Any suggestions besides sticking to the old fashion method?
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Re: Online Donations

Post by sbradshaw »

Where did you change your email address? Did you go to to see the email address listed there?
Also, Online Donations requires each user to have a unique email address. Is anyone else – maybe a family member – using the same email address for as the one you're using?
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: Online Donations

Post by eldersamuelson »

I changed it just at my my lds account page where you can view your record number and stuff like that. I should be the only one in the household with that email address, unless it is considered to be the email address for our entire household. That'd be the only way I could see it being anything besides just mine.
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Re: Online Donations

Post by eldersamuelson »

And yes it was the page.
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Re: Online Donations

Post by sbradshaw »

This problem or something similar has popped up a few times here on the LDSTech forums. I don't know if there was ever a clear resolution – maybe someone else would have some ideas or know how to solve the problem from previous experience, but if not, you may need to contact LDS Account support by phone (Global Service Center).
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Re: Online Donations

Post by russellhltn »

I believe as part of inputting a new email, it needs to be confirmed. Did that take place? I'm wondering if you're getting the message due to an unconfirmed email.

Also, the has two email fields. We've been told it's the first one that must be filled in.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Online Donations

Post by eldersamuelson »

Shouldn't the confirmation email be sent out through an automated service? If so I have not seen it yet.
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Re: Online Donations

Post by sbradshaw »

Yes, I would expect it to. I assume you double-checked that there wasn't a typo in your email address, and that there weren't any extra spaces or anything before or after... I'm guessing you've also checked your email's Spam or Junk Mail folder?

At this point your best bet may be to meet with your clerk and call support. ... r?lang=eng
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: Online Donations

Post by eldersamuelson »

I found the resolution. Not sure where the glitch came or where I didn't see what was going on but.... I happen to work with a member and they have had success with their online donations so I had them login in to their ldsaccount and under the contact settings they had an email address and a membership email. I only had a membership address and my email address was still blank even though I remember updating that.... it must have been during the whole "session has timed out" attempts. The other thing I found strange was it said with updating of one of the emails it would update the other. I found that to not be true, otherwise the one would not have been blank. I put in an email and a confirmation email was sent. Now it's working. It was really because the ldsaccount page kept kicking me out. I'm not crazy!
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Re: Online Donations

Post by russellhltn »

eldersamuelson wrote:The other thing I found strange was it said with updating of one of the emails it would update the other. I found that to not be true, otherwise the one would not have been blank.
When was the non-blank email last updated? The updating rule was more recent. The key is that the email has to be updated - not just left over from a prior time.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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