I was looking for a members birthday on lds tools and none were listed. When I mentioned it to someone in my ward, she promptly pulled up her lds tools and showed me that she indeed had birthdays listed on hey lds tools. Is there a setting for this or why does mine not show birthdays?
Thanks in advance
Members Birthdays
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Re: Members Birthdays
Access to birthdays is dependent on your calling. Most members do not have access to the birthdays of members of the ward, but clerks and leaders do have access.suetaz wrote:I was looking for a members birthday on lds tools and none were listed. When I mentioned it to someone in my ward, she promptly pulled up her lds tools and showed me that she indeed had birthdays listed on hey lds tools. Is there a setting for this or why does mine not show birthdays?
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Re: Members Birthdays
Okay thanks, I guess that explains it, she was the RS secretary.
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Re: Members Birthdays
I DO have a calling with access to birthdays, but it's a struggle to find it every month. I wish you'd make it easier to find. I've been looking for this months for the past 15 minutes. Grrr!
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Re: Members Birthdays
It's at Reports > Birthday List.
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Re: Members Birthdays
We have noticed recently that several birthdays in the actual birthday report are off by a day when compared to the membership record (which is correct) in LDS tools. Not sure how to get this fixed.
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Re: Members Birthdays
Send feedback through the app. It appears that in iOS there was a shift in the time-space continuum around March 10th or 11th.davemarcellino@gmail.com wrote:We have noticed recently that several birthdays in the actual birthday report are off by a day when compared to the membership record (which is correct) in LDS tools. Not sure how to get this fixed.
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Re: Members Birthdays
Same here in iOS and Android: Birthdays of all members of our ward are one day off. LCR (website) show the coorect birthday though.
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Re: Members Birthdays
The LDS Tools birthday list jumps from Dec. 2020 to Jan 2022 and then nothing after Jan 2022. I deleted the app and reinstalled it — no change. I also did a data refresh and still no change. Is there something I need to do or is this a problem glitch?
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Re: Members Birthdays
As I’m seeing the same issue, I suspect that it is something beyond our control. Use the apps Help/Contact option to report it.
As a sidenote LDS Tools doesn’t exist anymore, it is now called Member Tools. It has been called that for at least 2 years!
As a sidenote LDS Tools doesn’t exist anymore, it is now called Member Tools. It has been called that for at least 2 years!