Clerk training - cheat sheets

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Clerk training - cheat sheets

Post by betcher »

Hello all. I am one of the assistant stake clerks and I have recently been asked to provide training to the ward clerks. Several of our ward clerks are very new and young. Trying to figure out where some things are and if the LCR access for ward clerks is different from that of the stake clerks related to such activities as moving members records out and making corrections to member records.

It seems to me that if there is a stake membership clerk called they should have editing privileges in order to fulfill that roll. Also if the stake clerk doesn't have access to all the permissions of the ward clerk it would seem difficult to teach the ward clerks what to do unless you have been a ward clerk in the past.

Specific things I am personally looking for are: As I understand it all these functions have now been moved from the MLS to the LCR.
moving member records out
annual membership audit

I looked up the walk throughs on the LDStech wiki site but everything there was still referring to using the MLS even for many functions I personally know are no longer done in the MLS and are done in the LCR......any clue where updated walkthroughs are or when they might get those updated?
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Re: Clerk training - cheat sheets

Post by eblood66 »

Yes, it is becoming increasing difficult for stake clerks to train ward clerks and so far we haven't seen any indication that any permissions will change to facilitate it. It would be wonderful to have a test site with fictitious data which could be used for learning and training but that's a lot of work and we haven't seen anything to indicate anything like that is in the works.

The wiki has been mostly deprecated in favor of the Help Center but that means we (the clerks) have to rely on the church to put together training materials and there haven't been any significant updates in a while and no indication if anything new is being developed right now.

I haven't been a stake clerk but my best suggestion as a long time ward level clerk is to try to leverage experienced clerks in your stake. Setup up training meeting and invite the experienced clerks to each train on some area. Or alternatively, go visit one of the experienced clerks and have him walk you through things so you can help the less experienced clerks.

As for your specific questions, yes, moving records out and membership audits are both in LCR now. For both of them, once you select them from the menu they do lead you through the process pretty well.
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Re: Clerk training - cheat sheets

Post by jwnice »

As a former stake clerk, this was very frustrating. Since I could not access anything in MLS, I told the clerks that they had to call SLC for assistance.
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Re: Clerk training - cheat sheets

Post by sbradshaw »

To follow up on what eblood66 mentioned, the Help Center ( is the best place to find step-by-step instructions for using Leader and Clerk Resources. You'll need to be signed in with your LDS Account to see all the resources (which unfortunately means that a lot of those things won't show up if you're trying to find help via Google search).
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Re: Clerk training - cheat sheets

Post by davesudweeks »

I would suggest that if you have some experienced ward clerks in your stake, you may enlist their help for tips and training documentation. After many, many years as a ward clerk with virtually no stake training during that time, I had to pretty much learn it all on my own (and follow this forum). I have offered assistance and training materials to the stake numerous times.

I'm pretty good at setting up training materials and am willing to assist on a handout or two if you would like.
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Re: Clerk training - cheat sheets

Post by kakoozarichard »

Hello, I am also new in my call as a ward clerk. Do you have any material that can help please send it on my email :[address removed]

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Re: Clerk training - cheat sheets

Post by rmrichesjr »

kakoozarichard wrote:Hello, I am also new in my call as a ward clerk. Do you have any material that can help please send it on my email...
In your new calling as ward clerk, your official uplink for training is the stake clerk. Part of the responsibility of a stake clerk is to train the ward/branch clerks.

Another good place to get information is the Help Center: ... t?lang=eng You may find the second section, "Getting Started for Ward Clerks", particularly helpful.

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Re: Clerk training - cheat sheets

Post by Issatambajohnbull »

How can I take attendance on phone?
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Re: Clerk training - cheat sheets

Post by jdlessley »

Issatambajohnbull wrote: Wed Dec 29, 2021 9:36 am How can I take attendance on phone?
Since this thread addresses clerks I am assuming you are a clerk. If not then you may not have access to the reports; it really depends on your calling. A clerk can use either the web app and access LCR > Reports > Class and Quorum Attendance or use Member Tools and go to Reports > Class and Quorum Attendance. In LCR the specific class or quorum is selected in the drop-down list box displaying "All Classes". In Member Tools the specific class or quorum is selected by tapping the menu icon on the right side of the blue menu bar.
JD Lessley
Have you tried finding your answer on the Help Center or Tech Wiki?
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Re: Clerk training - cheat sheets

Post by mungga »

G'day guys,
In regards to cheat sheets. I have been coming up with a sorta cheat sheet for our stake. I have basically Copied and pasted all the relevant sections from the handbook and soon will be doing a step by step guide. Now granted it is for mainly Australia you could potentially copy it and adjust for your particular area.
if you would like to have a look ... sp=sharing

Feel free to look through it.
Hopefully it helps

Jordan from Australia

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