VHS cassettes in meetinghouse libraries

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VHS cassettes in meetinghouse libraries

Post by RyanGard1977 »

If you haven't done so already, I'd suggest having your librarians go thru and start tossing out the old VHS cassettes. The material on the cassettes is no longer supported/used in any of the lesson manuals- everything needed will be on DVD or streamed. Free up some shelf space. FM Groups are no longer supporting VHS players and many are now picking the players up to be recycled, and in a few cases- even picking up the DVD players as well (those not built into the small portable TVs)
Ryan Gardner
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Re: VHS cassettes in meetinghouse libraries

Post by drepouille »

We tossed all the VHS tapes about 18 months ago, and a couple more have magically appeared. Even if the content were still current, the magnetic "images" on the tapes degrade after just a few years.
Dana Repouille, Plattsmouth, Nebraska

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