LDS Tools and SMS / Text Messaging

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LDS Tools and SMS / Text Messaging

Post by dotson98 »


I've searched the boards here for discussion on SMS capabilities from LCR or LDS Tools and it's not been that deep.

We have a young contingent in our Elder's Quorum who respond quite well to text messaging. We've tried sending mass text messages using the SMS option on LDS Tools, but you quickly get limited by your carrier.

If the Church were to use a platform like Twilio, SMS could become a really powerful communication tool. Additionally, you could enable SMS communication from LCR.

What does everyone think?

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Re: LDS Tools and SMS / Text Messaging

Post by Beckim »

We have also been trying to use this function in our ward but we have the same problem where not everyone is getting them. If anyone has a fix so we can send a mass text to all the R.S. women please let me know. Thank you Becki McCune
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Re: LDS Tools and SMS / Text Messaging

Post by dotson98 »

Seems that something could be written to interface to Twilio pretty quickly. Just not sure about the costs :)
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Re: LDS Tools and SMS / Text Messaging

Post by davesudweeks »

dotson98 wrote:Seems that something could be written to interface to Twilio pretty quickly. Just not sure about the costs :)
The programmers work under the direction of the Priesthood Department, as I understand. Posts to this user-to-user tech forum will not necessarily get to them. The 2 best ways to get feature requests to the Priesthood department are:
1. Requests from stake presidents to their area authority through their coordinating councils
2. Feedback within LDSTools or or LCR

No guarantees that the feedback will be responded to, but we're told all feed back is read and passed to the appropriate group.

I'm sure the value of text messaging is not lost on the brethren, but that is not the perfect solution for everyone. In our ward, about 30% of the membership would be missed with a text message only communication method.
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Re: LDS Tools and SMS / Text Messaging

Post by dotson98 »

>> I'm sure the value of text messaging is not lost on the brethren, but that is not the perfect solution for everyone.

In our ward, we miss 50% + due to only having email... And we have all ages - a well mixed ward.

I just left feedback.
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Re: LDS Tools and SMS / Text Messaging

Post by davesudweeks »

dotson98 wrote:>> I'm sure the value of text messaging is not lost on the brethren, but that is not the perfect solution for everyone.

In our ward, we miss 50% + due to only having email... And we have all ages - a well mixed ward.

I just left feedback.
Which is why I recommend a blended approach. No single solution will be 100% effective, 100% of the time in 100% of the wards and branches throughout the world. We also have a well mixed ward with some on the cutting edge of technology to others who don't own a computer or smartphone and everything in between.

The ward/branch leadership needs to sort out what is best for their situation as they are in the best position to know how to communicate to their members. It isn't easy - nothing worth doing is. In our ward, we use a ward facebook page, printed bulletin on Sunday, the calendar, mid-week e-mail blast from the Executive Secretary, personal emails/texts from the various organizations to their members, and I think even some personalized phone calls to certain individuals. We don't get everyone, but if we insisted on a one-size-fits-all approach we would miss far more than we do now.

I do hope a mass text option becomes available for those who desire it, but I wouldn't get my hopes up for an immediate solution.
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Re: LDS Tools and SMS / Text Messaging

Post by tfaucheux »

It is possible to email to text with some mobile phone providers (I pasted the following from a USA centered website). If individuals prefer to receive group emails via LDS tools as texts they can put a text-via-email type address into their profile on

The following is pasted from a website. Search some of the following text in your browser to find the website.

Just as you can send an email with a text message, you can also send a text via email. This is helpful when you only have data and not cellular service, which sometimes occurs in cell phone dead zones, or on planes. Here's how to send a text via email:

Open your email app on your phone, tablet, or computer.
In the "To" field, enter the 10-digit phone number you want to text, and add the corresponding email domain to the end of it (listed above). For example, if you’re sending to a T-Mobile number, you’d type the phone number plus (e.g., Do not include dashes.
Fill in the subject line, and compose your message.
Once you click send, the recipient will receive a text message. Replies to the text will come to your email, with the same subject you used.




Verizon: or

Virgin Mobile:[/align]
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Re: LDS Tools and SMS / Text Messaging

Post by Erastus »

Thank you!
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Re: LDS Tools and SMS / Text Messaging

Post by pabloh007 »

Recently I finished writing a web application for sending text messages to quorums and organizations.
I'm currently using it with my ward. There is a dependency on Twilio service to message groups/organizations.
If you would like to try it send me a message and I can create credentials and ward name along with a url.
Again you do need to have a twilio account setup I think they have $20 free credit to do some testing.

My user case may be unique.

We use it send zoom links for sacrament meeting and also for sunday school/relief society and elders quorum classes.

I went this route because most people in my ward have abilities to receive texts easily but not as much as reading emails or having a facebook account.

One of the benefits is you have one virtual phone number incoming texts go to that you can setup with a auto-bot reply. etc.

others are members usually check texts more frequently than emails
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Re: LDS Tools and SMS / Text Messaging

Post by Sfchris »

This sounds very cool. I also did something with a Twilio account, but haven't deployed it yet. I think it's the direction to go for a lot of communications. There are lots of people that only check their email once or twice a week, if that. Particularly the Youth.

Did you have any luck with getting phone numbers from the ward list on Sure would be nice to be able to get a refresh without copy-and-paste from the Members report, etc. I've copied to Excel and parsed out the personal phone numbers. But for a person who's not techie, (Elders Q or RS presidencies), they'll never do it.

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