Family Group Record Sheet 2nd page only

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Family Group Record Sheet 2nd page only

Post by Sheri1234 »

I'm trying to just download the 2nd family group record sheet. I can't find anywhere that allows me to do this. It would be nice to download the family group record sheet with two 2nd pages attached or a middle sheet having a full list of children as my family and ancestors have several children. The 3rd page could have the other marriage and other sources shown on the bottom of the page. Please let me know if you can help me with this.
Thank you!
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Re: Family Group Record Sheet 2nd page only

Post by aebrown »

Sheri1234 wrote:I'm trying to just download the 2nd family group record sheet. I can't find anywhere that allows me to do this. It would be nice to download the family group record sheet with two 2nd pages attached or a middle sheet having a full list of children as my family and ancestors have several children. The 3rd page could have the other marriage and other sources shown on the bottom of the page. Please let me know if you can help me with this.
I assume you are asking about this form: Family group record, as referenced in the FamilySearch Help Center article How do I print a blank pedigree chart or family group record? I don't know of any way to extend that particular form (it is designed for up to 7 children). You could print as many copies of the second page as you need, and manually write over the child numbers 4-7 with 8-11 for the second page, 12-15 for the third page, etc. Or you could use Ancestry's simpler Family Group Record, which has room for up to 12 children per page.

But if you are working with families that are already in Family Tree, you can print a full Family Group Record from the Tree, with the great added benefit that all the information will be gathered directly from the Tree, without you needing to laboriously fill in all that information by hand. A family with any number of children can be printed this way (I have some great-great-grandparents with 17 children). Instructions can be found in the FamilySearch Help Center article How do I print family group records from Family Tree?
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Re: Family Group Record Sheet 2nd page only

Post by Sheri1234 »

Thank you for the information. I can't seem to print a pdf file of the group record sheet from the family tree names. I tried to follow the instructions on it but it didn't work. Hopefully they will come out with just a 2nd page sheet for the group record.

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