Slow performance and inaccurate search results

Discussions related to the Gospel Media App - formerly called LDS Media Library (all platforms)
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Slow performance and inaccurate search results

Post by mtstanger »

Apologies if this isn’t the right place to post this. I tried using the feedback function within the app and it gives me an incorrect message about not having email set up on my iPad.

I’m using the Gospel Media app on my iPad. In general, the performance is very slow (although this varies from day-to-day). I’ve noticed this on different devices and on different networks at different times. The performance issues seem to be with the search operation and with loading thumbnail images in particular.

Additionally, the search (or the indexing behind it) seems to be very inaccurate. For example, searching for “Book of Mormon” brings up several image results, but no actual image of the book. Searching for “Joseph Smith” or “Russell M. Nelson” doesn’t return even a basic portrait of either prophet.

Any thoughts on either of these issues? Are development efforts on this app continuing? I know that much of this has been done on a volunteer basis in the past. Is there any way I can get involved to help?
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Re: Slow performance and inaccurate search results

Post by russellhltn »

Are talking about Gospel Media, or Gospel Library? They're different apps.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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Re: Slow performance and inaccurate search results

Post by mtstanger »

Gospel Media.

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