Accessing old Ministering Assignments/Companionship information

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Accessing old Ministering Assignments/Companionship information

Post by emmycakes »

Does anybody know if there is a way to see old Ministering assignments and companionships? My RS President (I'm the secretary) would like to keep a spreadsheet of each sister's history with both their companions and assigned sisters. I started a google sheet, but am realizing this is very time intensive. Does the church have a record of this in LCR?
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Re: Accessing old Ministering Assignments/Companionship information

Post by jdlessley »

emmycakes wrote:Does anybody know if there is a way to see old Ministering assignments and companionships?
This is only available through the records you keep, such as a printout (paper or electronic).
emmycakes wrote:Does the church have a record of this in LCR?
The only record in LCR is the current and proposed assignments.
JD Lessley
Have you tried finding your answer on the Help Center or Tech Wiki?

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