Events RSVP: We need an LDS alternative to SignUpGenius

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Events RSVP: We need an LDS alternative to SignUpGenius

Post by elizrichardson »

Our ward auxiliaries frequently use to collect RSVP info for ward get-togethers. However, that is a commercial site which derives revenue from selling our email addresses to "advertisers" (spammers). Every time the folks in my ward use SignUpGenius to sign up for something, we are BOMBARDED by spam tailored to our browsing history. We're a tech savvy church. Why isn't there a utility for wards and stakes that would collect the needed info without exposing our private information to profiteers?
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Re: Events RSVP: We need an LDS alternative to SignUpGenius

Post by davesudweeks »

My experience is the church doesn't "run to the latest tech" and also has a very limited group of developers to create such apps. Not to offend, but there are ways to sign up for things without an app or web site (perhaps not digitally, but ways to sign up nonetheless). My other sense is that signing up for ward get-togethers is not part of the church's main mission so it likely wouldn't command a very high priority with those who direct the developer's priorities. Our ward also uses various commercial sites for signing up for things - I choose to notify without signing up on a commercial site and if they require me to sign up online, I simply don't do so.

But that's just my opinion and I could be completely wrong in my assumptions. Those who direct the developers will likely never see your post. You would be better served by one of the following two methods:
1. Submit feedback from any church web page (link at the bottom of most pages). I recommend you include a business case for your suggestion.
2. Raise your concern through your Ecclesiastical leadership to ask your Stake President to bring it up for discussion in the coordinating council he participates in.
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Re: Events RSVP: We need an LDS alternative to SignUpGenius

Post by elizrichardson »

Digitally is the way things operate now. Paper and pen or phone calls are too cumbersome and the info isn't instantly or entirely transmissible to all organizers. And though you may be personally ok with boycotting activities that require a digital sign-up, I can see from my own ward/stake that people willing to completely forego activities for that reason are a distinct minority. As for the app itself, I don't think it would be a complicated build at all, and I also don't think it has to be done by church-paid developers. Back when Eagle Projects were a thing, I would have considered that to be a sound possibility for getting one developed.
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Re: Events RSVP: We need an LDS alternative to SignUpGenius

Post by Mikerowaved »

If it's too cumbersome to tabulate replies via email or text, a simple alternative would be to create a Google Form. All the data comes tabulated in a spreadsheet. Personally, I can't think of very many church activities that required, or even requested, an RSVP, except for an occasional wedding reception, but they would never use church contact information to send out invitations. :roll:

And for the record, davesudweeks never said he would boycott activities that required a digital signup. He said he would only boycott the digital signup part in favor of notifying the organizers directly. I thought his answer was well written and spot on.
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Re: Events RSVP: We need an LDS alternative to SignUpGenius

Post by jdlessley »

I am in that group of people refusing to use apps that require personal information. When I did use apps that relied on me using my email address or phone number my spam calls, spam texts, and spam emails were up. I am not going to make it easy for spammers and scammers to get my personal information.
JD Lessley
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Re: Events RSVP: We need an LDS alternative to SignUpGenius

Post by davesudweeks »

For what it's worth, if we only used digital methods in our ward, a significant percentage (not huge, but significant) of the members would be disenfranchised.
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Re: Events RSVP: We need an LDS alternative to SignUpGenius

Post by davesudweeks »

jdlessley wrote: Sat Sep 25, 2021 1:37 pm I am in that group of people refusing to use apps that require personal information. When I did use apps that relied on me using my email address or phone number my spam calls, spam texts, and spam emails were up. I am not going to make it easy for spammers and scammers to get my personal information.
Which might be a good business case for the OP to use in their feedback to suggest a private sign-up tool for church use only (instead of a commercial product that exposes member's private information to marketers). I have read elsewhere in this forum that prior volunteer programming efforts have not worked very well in the past. That may dissuade church leadership from pushing that direction.
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Re: Events RSVP: We need an LDS alternative to SignUpGenius

Post by BrianEdwards »

Our local temple is under construction and has requested local member volunteers to check construction workers in-and-out during the day. The are using a commercial tool ( to organize this. I expect that members with reservations about signing up online (or who are overwhelmed with the idea of doing anything online), could simple coordinate with the contact person who could enter the member's name in the appropriate slot.

Just to say that it's not only the local units who find themselves with this situation, even the Temple Department doesn't have a different solution (although perhaps they are accessing a paid account that avoids the mass-marketing issues?). While I think we all agree that it would be preferable to have a Church tool that is secure, nobody here in the Forum is any kind of decision-maker working for the Church (it's often more of a self-help-group to figure out how to use - or workaround - the existing Church Tech)

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