Downloading YouTube Videos

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Downloading YouTube Videos

Post by arpitman »

I have been asked to put together a video for our Stake Christmas Devotional. I was told that we already have approval to use the videos referenced. I need to cut some of the videos for content to use just parts of them for time reasons.

I was only able to find one of the videos on the church website to download. The others all seem to only be available on YouTube.

I do know how to make a screen recording of the videos, but the audio doesn't come out very good and these are all about the audio.

Can someone help me find the originals somewhere that I can download?

Here are the videos:

Video 1:
Video 2:
Video 3:
Video 4:
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Re: Downloading YouTube Videos

Post by caillines »

Video 2: ... s?lang=eng

As for the others, I can't find them on the church website, so I think you'll need to use some kind of youtube downloader. I won't post info here since I expect it'd break forum rules, but wikipedia has a comparison of several youtube downloaders.
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Re: Downloading YouTube Videos

Post by russellhltn »

I notice that three of the videos belong to "The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square", which is a commercial recording side of the church. I'd suggest making sure permission to use it comes from someone who can grant copyright permission and not just someone approving the program.

If you need to substitute the video, I'd suggest looking at First Presidency Devotionals which I think would be a "church performance" and done under a broader church copyright.

When I go to those videos, I see a "download" button near the like/dislike buttons. However, it appears you need to join YouTube Primum to get that.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Downloading YouTube Videos

Post by arpitman »

I was assured the approval is from the proper church authorities and not just someone in the stake.

The download only goes to an encrypted file and can only be played in the YouTube app. I signed up for premium and found this out.

I ended up doing a screen recording. I hope it will work well enough.
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Re: Downloading YouTube Videos

Post by rmrichesjr »

After moderator/administrator discussion, locking this thread. YouTube's terms document, about 40-45% of the way down, prohibits downloading.
The following restrictions apply to your use of the Service. You are not allowed to:

access, reproduce, download, distribute, transmit, broadcast, display, sell, license, alter, modify or otherwise use any part of the Service or any Content except: (a) as expressly authorized by the Service; or (b) with prior written permission from YouTube and, if applicable, the respective rights holders;

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