Use of ChromeOS

Issues related to the use and operation of FamilySearch Centers
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Use of ChromeOS

Post by luisloayza »

I am a newly-called FH consultant in my ward. I have just found out the computers in the FHC run ChromeOS, and since I am not used to this OS, I am wondering if any of you can help me with some kind of guideline or manual. Thanks in advance
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Re: Use of ChromeOS

Post by russellhltn »

Any type of manual is likely on-line or part of the help system. By in large, ChromeOS is the Chrome browser. Since most of family history is online, that works well.

I'd suggest sitting down and playing with it a bit, or with the help of someone who has used it. About all you'd need to know is how to start it, log in, fire up the browser and then shut down when done. It's different than Windows, but not wildly different. It's more like going to a new version of Windows.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Use of ChromeOS for FSC

Post by pete.arnett »

Please review the following website that was written for mobile Center Chromebooks, but most of it still applies to a center.
FamilySearch Center ChromeOS Flex Instruction ... nstruction

FamilySearch Center Support for Leaders and Staff ... -and-staff

FamilySearch Centers in North America are supported by monthly online meetings called "Tech Talk" and "Center Chatter." These meetings provide valuable information and support and begin at 7:00 pm in the Eastern, Pacific, and Hawaiian time zones.
The "Tech Talk" meeting is on the 1st Wednesday of each month.
The "Center Chatter" meeting is on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.

If you have additional questions, please call center support at 866-406-1830.

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