Elders Quorum Lessons missing from Home Page

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Elders Quorum Lessons missing from Home Page

Post by michaelfish »

In Priesthood meeting this morning the instuctor suggested to the quorum, finding and reading the Priesthood lesson from the Home Screen of the Gospel Libray app. Half of the quorum said they could not find it and sure enough, my friend's phone was not showing the Lesson for Elders, nor the Hymns which had been assigned for Sacrament meeting. We both have Android phones, both have the latest software updates, both using the latest version of the Library app, both have the same settings for the Home screen, but his does not show Hymns or the Elder's lesson, whereas it does show on my Android. Any ideas of what to check for next?
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Re: Elders Quorum Lessons missing from Home Page

Post by russellhltn »

First, make sure he's logged in in the app. I image a lot of people don't bother to log in since so much is public.

If that's not it, I'd check when the last sync was.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "site:churchofjesuschrist.org/help" to the search criteria.

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Re: Elders Quorum Lessons missing from Home Page

Post by davesudweeks »

russellhltn wrote: Sun Jan 14, 2024 7:46 pm ...a lot of people don't bother to log in since so much is public.
Another scenario is the app updated and logged the member off. It may not have anything to do with someone "not bothering to log on." That has happened to me numerous times and there is no indication or notice that the app logged me off until something is missing. I added the account tile to my home page so it would be obvious if the app logs me off without my permission.
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Re: Elders Quorum Lessons missing from Home Page

Post by michaelfish »

Yea, I forgot to post that we were both logged in. I even signed him out, logged back in and re-synced.
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Re: Elders Quorum Lessons missing from Home Page

Post by davesudweeks »

The next thing I would check is to verify his membership record is still in the ward. This may sound silly, but if his record was moved out of the ward by mistake, that could account for the behavior. However, I wouldn't think "half the quorum" has been inadvertently moved out of the ward...

Also, make sure the membership record number (MRN) on his login matches the MRN on his membership record - the clerk can provide a copy of his individual ordinance summary (IOS) that lists his MRN. The software uses the MRN to identify where his membership record resides to display local content (such as which EQ lesson to show, etc.).

The sacrament hymns list comes and goes - it is set to display the hymns just before Sacrament Meeting starts and then auto-hide after it ends. Hence, not seeing the hymns after Sacrament meeting has ended and you are now in EQ meeting may be normal behavior.
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Re: Elders Quorum Lessons missing from Home Page

Post by lajackson »

And after you have done all of that, check the Edit Home selection (three-button menu, top right) to make sure that those specific features are still turned on. They can be turned off by the user.
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Re: Elders Quorum Lessons missing from Home Page

Post by michaelfish »

Yep...already did all that was mentioned above.

When responding, please keep in mind that this is not isolated to one individual phone. Many members our quorum said it was not appearing on their phones either. Everything was showing on my phone( (hymns and the lesson) at the same time nothing was showing on their's.
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Re: Elders Quorum Lessons missing from Home Page

Post by michaelfish »

lajackson wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 8:23 pm check the Edit Home selection (three-button menu, top right) to make sure that those specific features are still turned on
The switches on his phone were not visible.
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Re: Elders Quorum Lessons missing from Home Page

Post by sbradshaw »

michaelfish wrote: Thu Jan 18, 2024 5:34 am
lajackson wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2024 8:23 pm check the Edit Home selection (three-button menu, top right) to make sure that those specific features are still turned on
The switches on his phone were not visible.
This means that either 1) they're on an old version of the app that doesn't have the unit-based features (earlier than 6.5.0), or 2) they're not signed in, or 3) the app thinks that the Church Account they're signed into isn't a member account.

The solution for (1) would be to update the app. For (2), they'll need to sign in. It sounds like neither of those apply in your case.

For (3), there are a few things to check:
– Make sure their membership record is in the ward
– Make sure their membership record is assigned to the expected elders quorum in the ward (for example, if you have multiple quorums, or if it's a prospective elder still in the priests quorum)
– Make sure their Church Account has a membership record number attached at Account.ChurchofJesusChrist.org
– Make sure they're using the same account in the app that they use at ChurchofJesusChrist.org
– Sign out and back in, in case there was a glitch when they initially signed in (sounds like you already tried this)

If it doesn't work after all that, you may need to have them send feedback through the app for the Gospel Library support team to help debug.

Maybe there's a bug of some sort related to their internet connection, or the half-connected state when you're on the Liahona network but haven't accepted the terms of use? The feature is supposed to work offline, but maybe there's a bug. It might be worth checking with one or two of them during the week to see if they can see the lessons when they're connected to their home internet.
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Re: Elders Quorum Lessons missing from Home Page

Post by michaelfish »

Thanks for the information, but like I said in my previous posts...I verified that each one of those were done including the Android OS.

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