We have a couple where the brother is in the the Orchestra at Temple Square and the sister works with the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square managing the sheet music. They have callings as Musical Service Missionaries but in LCR they show as having no calling.
Would you put their callings under Other Callings | Music | Custom Calling or Additional Callings | Custom Calling or any other ideas on what someone has done in their circumstance?
I know it doesn’t really matter but wanted to see if there was a concensus on where it should go.
Best Custom Calling for TabCaTS Service Missionaries?
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Re: Best Custom Calling for TabCaTS Service Missionaries?
I don't know the correct answer, but we have a member in the Tabernacle Choir and he requested we add it under "Additional Callings" and then did a custom calling "Missionary - Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square".
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Re: Best Custom Calling for TabCaTS Service Missionaries?
It is music-related, but I wouldn't put it under the music section of callings because that implies it's part of the ward music organization, overseen by the bishopric and ward music coordinator. I think the Additional Callings section makes sense.
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.