Hyperlinks to 3rd party get reset in annotations

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Hyperlinks to 3rd party get reset in annotations

Post by gabecscott »


I'm having trouble adding a hyperlink to a scripture annotation on the web browser. When I create a note and add a hyperlink to a 3rd party (for example if the link is file:///C:/Users/MyName/Documents/Document.pdf or obsidian://open?vault=Vault&file=testfile), the link gets reset to the link for the current page I'm on (for example if I'm on 1 Nephi 1, those links get reset to https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/stu ... 1?lang=eng). This happens after I refresh the page.

This does not happen when I create the same annotation using the iOS Gospel Library app.

Is there a reason for this? I would like a way to do this on the web browser as it's easier to create links than on the mobile app.

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Re: Hyperlinks to 3rd party get reset in annotations

Post by sbradshaw »

Based on my testing, it looks like the URL of the link gets removed after you leave the page – so clicking the link reloads the current page. :( This only happens when creating the note via Gospel Library Online (links in notes created on the mobile app, then synced up to Gospel Library Online, work fine). I'd recommend using the feedback link at the bottom of the Church website to report the issue.
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.

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