Update your FamilySearch Center Computers

Issues related to the use and operation of FamilySearch Centers
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Update your FamilySearch Center Computers

Post by russellhltn »

The church's license for Windows 10 Enterprise runs out at the end of this calendar year (Dec 31, 2024).

All machines need to be updated to Windows 11 (if they can support it). or ChromeOS Flex.

There are two options for Windows 11: The Installation Assistant has the advantage of telling you what needs to be done to make your machine Windows 11 compatible (there might be some required BIOS settings that need to be changed, such as turning on TPM). I get the impression that Application Finder is a bit more tuned for a FSC and would be preferred if it wasn't for the less forgiving assessment of the computer.

If the computer can't run Windows 11, you'll need to contact FamilySearch Center Support to arrange to get ChromeOS Flex.

Since Support is closed for about two weeks spanning Christmas and New Years, you'll want to do the updates sooner than later.

One caution about ChromeOS Flex: it wipes out everything when logged out. If left unattended, it will auto-log out. If you download anything, you should download it directly to your flash drive and not wait until the end of your session.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "site:churchofjesuschrist.org/help" to the search criteria.

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Re: Update your FamilySearch Center Computers

Post by lajackson »

And we will be officially informed of this change how? As the humble stake technology specialist, is this something that falls into the category of the dates of stake conference that I am not allowed to know?
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Re: Update your FamilySearch Center Computers

Post by russellhltn »

Supposedly emails were sent. But I've never received one.

I found out during FamilySearch "TechTalk".
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "site:churchofjesuschrist.org/help" to the search criteria.

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Re: Update your FamilySearch Center Computers

Post by drepouille »

Oh Brother Larry! You are getting cranky in your old age.

When I was released as a Stake Technology Specialist, and called as a Ward Technology Specialist, I no longer received any helpful email traffic from On High.
Dana Repouille, Plattsmouth, Nebraska

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