Livestream Camera directly to Zoom

Using the Church Webcasting System, YouTube, etc. Including cameras and mixers.
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Livestream Camera directly to Zoom

Post by cameronmillett »

We are currently using the Mevo live streaming camera which was easily able to stream directly to YouTube. However, our Stake is now pushing us to use Zoom and the Mevo camera isn't able to stream directly to Zoom.

Are there any Livestream cameras out there that can stream directly to Zoom? Trying to figure out how we are going to do things going forward.
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Re: Livestream Camera directly to Zoom

Post by Wattsuk »

Yes, there are some cameras that have the zoom client integrated.

Unfortunately none that operate in the same way as the Mevo so you can't make a direct swap and keep going.

The enterprise grade stuff like the Poly Studio X30 work well. You can pick these up for a decent price on ebay regularly.
Different form factor to the mevo so may be a bit bulky on a tripod and of course needs a monitor/controller like the TC8.
A TC8 controller could easily be hidden on the stand somewhere

The cheap and easy version of this is the Facebook Portal TV.

Both of the above devices have 8 MEMS Mic array so work pretty well without any external mic. The X30 does perform a bit better than the Portal TV but both are adequate for a sacrament broadcast.
If you do need external mic input, I don't believe there is a way to do that with the Portal Go, so you'll be stuck with one of the enterprise grade devices like the X30 which can definitely use USB mics, maybe bluetooth as well.

That said, you may find it easier to put the mevo into webcam mode and use a laptop for your zoom client.
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Re: Livestream Camera directly to Zoom

Post by mcartin1963 »

I've been tasked to do research what it will take to get my ward up with the live streaming.
The closest I've found for what your wanting to find is the "PTZOptics Move SE" camera series.
Their literature lists it'll stream directly to Youtube and Facebook.
It'll also go to services using RTMP protocol. I don't know much about the RTMP protocol, but a quick search of Zoom and RTMP seems to indicate Zoom uses RTMP.
If we implement, I believe we'd just mount the camera in the rear corner of the chapel a few feet above the doorway, so it can be pretty much unseen.
I'm not sure if we'd be better off with the 12x or 20x optical zoom.
There is a web interface (so someone on the network with a phone or tablet can easily manage it), preset camera positions, and they'll even do auto-tracking, which I think could be handy for some of the stake meetings.
There is ethernet cable running within a few feet of the most likely mounting location so that part shouldn't be an issue.
I'm still working on the audio feed.
I'm thinking a 3.5mm extension cable between the amplifier and camera might be used or perhaps the 8 pin Mini-din RS232 input. I just need to measure distances to determine the best option.

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