Need Strategy for linking many scriptures together

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Need Strategy for linking many scriptures together

Post by luvmelody »

Hello Sisters and Brothers,
I write a blog, and I always reference the scriptures. I then go to the gospel library app and document each scripture reference in the blog. I in turn, link the references to each other. But If I reference sometimes 15 to 20 scriptures, it could take me hours to complete linking each of them together. I normally open a tab for each reference and then take the first reference and link to each tab scripture reference, until I get all of them completed. Then I go to the second reference tab and link each tab to the second tab. It is tiresome and probably a waste of my time. So, my strategy was to just do the first tab to each reference and move on with my life. But I noticed that not all of the reference on the tabs turn the scripture red indicating it is a link. The reference also does not have any of the tags associated with every tabbed reference. So, I usually have to add tags to every reference and the note.

Is there a better strategy and solution to make this easier?

Thank You all

Jim Wagner
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Re: Need Strategy for linking many scriptures together

Post by sbradshaw »

I'm not sure if I completely understand your process. Are you using an online blog platform, like WordPress or Blogger?

If I understand correctly, it sounds like in your blog post you have several scripture references, like "1 Nephi 3:7", and your goal is to turn them into links, like "1 Nephi 3:7". Is that correct?

What do you mean by "link to each tab scripture reference" or "link each tab to the second tab" or "not all of the reference on the tabs turn the scripture red"?
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: Need Strategy for linking many scriptures together

Post by luvmelody »

I am trying in the Gospel Library app to link many scriptures together. Like I said, I open a tab in the Gospel Library app and link the first tabbed scripture reference to the next of many tabbed references and then repeat the process until every tabbed reference is linked to each other. Does that explain it a little better. I should have never mentioned the blog. it just confused the question. I was just hoping for a better way to link many scriptures together more efficiently.

Thank You

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Re: Need Strategy for linking many scriptures together

Post by rdtenney8 »

I have a suggestion that I adapted to work for me.
If I chose a key scripture for say, “broken heart and contrite spirit”, then the subsequent links will need to go back to the first like to see the list. If I try to make every single reference link to every other reference, then my page becomes a mess with far too many links.
So what I have started doing is just creating tags that I apply to all of the scriptures. By clicking on the tab, my list can be reviewed in one page at a time.
Does that make any sense?
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Re: Need Strategy for linking many scriptures together

Post by luvmelody »


That makes sense. My page has become very crowded with links. My only con for your idea for me, and maybe I do not see it how you are explaining it, but as I am studying or in class and that scripture comes up, I would like to jump to the other scriptures.
I am trying to picture in my gospel library your technique. "By clicking on the tab, my list can be reviewed in one page at a time." Help me see that tab and list on one page. I am fascinated by the idea.

Thank You Very Much
Jim Wagner
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Re: Need Strategy for linking many scriptures together

Post by luvmelody »

I am basically trying to create a scripture chain in the gospel library. But it just does not seem like a natural and intuitive process.

Jim Wagner

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