Setting up Listen Technology System

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Setting up Listen Technology System

Post by ekhayden »

I received a listen technologies kit to get our stake center set up for hearing devices. There's no installation instructions and my FM group said they don't have any. Has anyone set these up before?

The kit includes a meeting house transmitter, universal rack, mounting kit, universal antenna kit, ear speakers...

I don't even know where to begin.
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Re: Setting up Listen Technology System

Post by russellhltn »

Ignore the transmitter for the moment. The church sound system should have some kind of transmitter for the chapel already installed. That's been the standard procedure for a few decades now. Listen and Comtek systems are compatible with each other so the brand of the transmitter doesn't matter.

It should only be FM's sound system vendor that messes with the sound system rack.

As for the receiver, they're probably plug and play. Once you've verified they work, I'd turn it over to the meetinghouse librarians.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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