More options to segment ward member data

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More options to segment ward member data

Post by winwardut »

As a new Relief Society president I find the options of segmenting member data very limited or non existent. Basic splitting of data and the ability to download a list would be amazing.
For example, I'd like to run a list of sisters 55+ or other age ranges, Sisters with certain zip codes, single sisters in various age ranges, etc.

It would be great if I could download in excel spreadsheet and then move member names into categories: active sisters by age groups, inactive sisters by age ranges, sisters requesting no contact.

Doing this manually is very tedious and time consuming. Bottomline, i'd like a more efficient way to understand that I have X number of sisters age XX range, sisters inactive and easily direct messages to those individuals that are different from active members, etc.

The church has excellent marketing savvy. It would be nice as leaders in the ward if we could be as savvy and efficient in reaching out to our unique groups of sisters.
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Re: More options to segment ward member data

Post by russellhltn »

I'd suggest giving feedback desiring to have custom reporting capabilities. Right now, that feature is limited to a few like the ward clerk. I suspect it's because it would be difficult to tailor the field permissions to match the calling. Bishops and Ward Clerks are the only ones with access to all fields.

It used to be allowed to export data, but that's been systematically removed due to increasing laws regarding privacy and personal information.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: More options to segment ward member data

Post by tonynocchi »

winwardut wrote: Thu Jan 02, 2025 5:48 am As a new Relief Society president I find the options of segmenting member data very limited or non existent. Basic splitting of data and the ability to download a list would be amazing.
For example, I'd like to run a list of sisters 55+ or other age ranges, Sisters with certain zip codes, single sisters in various age ranges, etc.

It would be great if I could download in excel spreadsheet and then move member names into categories: active sisters by age groups, inactive sisters by age ranges, sisters requesting no contact.

Doing this manually is very tedious and time consuming. Bottomline, i'd like a more efficient way to understand that I have X number of sisters age XX range, sisters inactive and easily direct messages to those individuals that are different from active members, etc.

The church has excellent marketing savvy. It would be nice as leaders in the ward if we could be as savvy and efficient in reaching out to our unique groups of sisters.
Your Ward Clerk can create custom reports. You won't be able to see those custom reports (only the Ward Clerk and Bishopric), but your Ward Clerk could run those reports and email you a .pdf printout and the running the report would pull from current LCR data. However, there's really no parameters for "inactive" but you could possibly glean that info by looking at sisters with no callings and/or no or expired temple recommends.

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