Unit History - Draft Disappeared

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Unit History - Draft Disappeared

Post by burgi »

I am the Ward Unit History Specialist. I can create a story and save it as a draft and then finish it later. I've never had problems with my login.
The FAQ training says: "Yes. You can start a story, save it, and finish it later. The story is not completed until you submit it".
So yes, it WORKS FOR ME.

However, our Sunday School President can create a story, then save it to finalize it later...but it DISAPPEARS from his login. The story is just GONE from his view.
I sat next to him on my laptop and verified that his story just disappears from his view...no draft at all. But the story shows up as a DRAFT and I can process the story and publish it.

Is this a Unit History glitch? Is he NOT allowed to save it into a draft so that he can finish it later?
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Re: Unit History - Draft Disappeared

Post by burgi »

To clarify if needed: I meant to say, "But the story shows up as a DRAFT UNDER MY LOGIN" and I can process the story and publish it."

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