reporting fraud

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reporting fraud

Post by vince1981 »


We recently had a woman who was trying to get fast offerings. We had helped her for a short period of time but then found out that she was not living at the address she had given us.

Is there a phone number I can call to report this woman so her name is flagged for other wards?


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Post by lajackson »

vince1981 wrote:We recently had a woman who was trying to get fast offerings. We had helped her for a short period of time but then found out that she was not living at the address she had given us.

Is there a phone number I can call to report this woman so her name is flagged for other wards?

Your bishop should have this information. If he does not, he can get it from the stake president. He will need to discuss this with the stake president anyway, so that other bishops in the area can be made aware of the situation.
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Medicare scam uses Church phone number

Post by bpevans »

Trying to give someone at Church HQ the heads up about this scam using Church name and number.
I just received a call on my landline in UT with caller ID that read"Churchof JesusCh" and phone number 1-801-240-3738. I recognized the "240" and Church caller ID and answered, expecting someone I know in a Church department perhaps. But it turned out to be a "bot" call claiming to be from Medicare. The female "bot" introduced the call as needing to make the most of my Medicare benefits and asked my age, but I hung up. I'm not even old enough to qualify for Medicare haha, but was mostly disturbed by the use of a Church HQ number, or at least made it look like it. I am in Centerville, UT
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Re: reporting ward funds fraud

Post by dikep »

Who can one write if I need a church leader like branch president or bishop to be vet /audited on suspicion of money mismanagement or even siphoning of church funds.

How can one get such person on the radar of the higher authority?

Because the fraud is getting out of hand already...

Please respond ASAP
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Re: reporting ward funds fraud

Post by russellhltn »

dikep wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 12:30 pm How can one get such person on the radar of the higher authority?
The next higher authority would be the Stake (or some cases Mission).

I'd start with the Stake clerk or the Stake Audit Committee Chairman. Both can be looked up in Member Tools App or the Ward Directory and Map webpage.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: reporting fraud

Post by RyanGard1977 »

About the highest you can go is maybe directly to the Stake President or if you know who your area general authority is. Bringing it to their attention is likely about all you can do and they can then have who they need to confidentially investigate. But be very very careful and make sure you know that you have all your facts in a row.
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Re: reporting fraud

Post by BrianEdwards »

Who can one write if I need a church leader like branch president or bishop to be vet /audited on suspicion of money mismanagement or even siphoning of church funds.
General Handbook 34.7.5 provides the instructions for this scenario (with "Mission President" substituting for "Stake President" if appropriate). Once you have reported this, then your responsibility is fulfilled, and the Church has an auditing process that will handle the examination and investigation to ensure proper actions are taken as needed.

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