PLEASE READ before posting in this section

Discussions around the Android version of the Gospel Library application.
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Joined: Sat Jan 20, 2007 2:53 pm
Location: U.S.

PLEASE READ before posting in this section

Post by russellhltn »

This section is dedicated to discussions on the church's Gospel Library app on Android. You can find support in the wiki at Gospel Library support - Android

This forum is primarily user-to-user support. While developers do visit, this isn't necessarily the quickest or most dependable method of reaching them.

If you need to contact the developers, please see How to request help

Above all, please have patience. This project is developed by the community can progress only as fast as the volunteers have time and means to work on it.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.

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