Not receiving Emails from Ward and Stake

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Re: Not receiving Emails from Ward and Stake

Post by russellhltn »

wrigjef wrote: Thu Apr 13, 2023 3:13 pm Not being disrespectful but I’m wondering if the whole “blocking” issue is real.
I think it's more likely that church practice doesn't meet internet expectorations (lack of opt out and bad emails not being removed from the list). At some point, the email providers stop working with the sender and just black list them.

I remember when Send a Message started, the church tried to spoof the sender's email rather than using "Reply to".

It's also quite possible that the first tier support at zoho doesn't know what filtering might be taking place. If there was none at all you'd probably have more "Nigerian prince" emails than valid ones.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Not receiving Emails from Ward and Stake

Post by ambldsorg »

aebrown wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 8:10 pm My guess is that the mail servers are receiving the email, but treating the address as a spammer, so they don't send a response, but they also don't forward it on to the member's mailbox.
I believe that the problem is not Yahoo, but rather that the Church has an internal blacklist of email addresses and that once your email address is on this list, LCR doesn't even attempt to deliver a message, while at the same time sending back a message to the LCR sender that the message was "rejected by the server", when in fact, there wasn't even a delivery attempted. Yahoo cannot reject an email that it doesn't even receive.

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