July 19th Worldwide Outage Impacting Windows Computers

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Global Services Department- Meetinghouse Support

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> Meetinghouse Technology

The Global Services Department-Meetinghouse Support serves as a vital support hub within the Church, offering specialized assistance to technology specialists, clerks, and other unit leaders worldwide. With a focus on information technology (IT) solutions to include support for meetinghouse computers, networks, Church Network Manager (CNM), access points, firewalls, printers, and so on.   Meetinghouse Support help others come unto Christ by providing exceptional customer service.

Contacting Meetinghouse Support


In the US and Canada, Meetinghouse Support can be reached by calling 1-855-537-4357, for all other areas of the world refer to the table below.

Support numbers are grouped under areas of the world:

  • North America
  • Africa Southeast
  • Africa West
  • Asia
  • Asia North
  • Brazil
  • Caribbean
  • Central America
  • Europe
  • Europe East
  • Mexico
  • Pacific
  • Philippines
  • South America Northwest
  • South America South
Country Phone Number Meetinghouse Technology
North America
US and Canada (toll free) 1-855-537-4357
US local and international 1-801-240-4357
Africa Southeast
Kenya 0800-22-01-12
Réunion Island 0800-99-0087-
South Africa 0800-991-457
Zimbabwe 0089-866-226-2299
Africa West
Ghana 80012950
Nigeria 0800 537 248 724
Sierra Leone 1101-866-226-6234
Cambodia 888-898-8144
China North 10800-852-1523
China South 10800-152-1523
Hong Kong 800-969-631
India 0008-000-50-2005
Indonesia 001-803-492-483-40194
Malaysia 1-800-819018
Pakistan 877-901-8143
Singapore 800-852-6868
Taiwan 08-0909-2336
Thailand 00-118-000-14759
Asia North
Guam 1-866-678-2763
Japan 0120-895600
South Korea 080-877-5426
Brazil 0800-450-0035
Barbados 1-866-683-4116
Dominica 1-800-732-3664
Dominican Republic 1-866-799-7251
Guadeloupe 0800-99-00-11
Puerto Rico 1-855-537-4357
Saint Kitts and Nevis 1-866-683-4117
Central America
Belize 0800-572-4687
Costa Rica 0800-0111-1013
El Salvador 800-7042
Guatemala 1-801-130-0013
Honduras 001-866-628-6691
Nicaragua 001-800-222-5347
Panama 800-7436
Europe Central
Armenia 1-801-353-4840
Austria 0800 002 100
Belgium 080 0880 09
Bulgaria 0800 111 3243
Croatia 3858009306
Czech Republic 800 701 092
France Mobile Phones: 33805102791 or 0805102791

Landline: 00805102791

Germany 00800-2950-2950
Greece 0800-4414-1893
Hungary 068 008-0639
Italy 800693043
Luxembourg (8) 002-5347
Netherlands 08000201830
Poland 8000003617
Romania 800890509
Slovenia 080 488800
Spain 900-670-783
Switzerland 41800103483
Europe North
Denmark 808-30-666
Finland 35-880-041-6173
Iceland 800 4118
Ireland 1800 849 124
Norway 800 24726
Portugal 800 450 050
Sweden 0200-43-9011
United Kingdom 0808-169-7931
Latvia 800000270
Lithuania 00800-2950-2950
Estonia 0800 049 090
Europe East
Belarus 810-800-1000-2950
Kazakhstan 810-800-1000-2950
Russia 8-800-100-2950
Ukraine 0-800-501-232
Mexico 800 266 0108
American Samoa 699-4473
Australia 1300-973-917
Fiji 1-800-8680-3950
New Caledonia 801-353-4835
New Zealand 0800 447 016
Samoa—BlueSky 800472
Tahiti 689 40 505 507
Tonga—Digicel 20360
Tonga—TCC 800473
Philippines 1 800-1-312-0028
South America Northwest
Bolivia 800-109-138
Colombia 01-800-519-0865
Ecuador   1800-01-520
Peru 0-800-76-981
Venezuela 0800-2404-8765
South America South
Argentina 0800-345-3254
Chile 800-914-275
Paraguay 0098-004-91-0002
Uruguay 9-000405-4633