Calendar management permissions problem

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Calendar management permissions problem

Post by wincaos »

Hello everyone,
I want to ask a question. I apologize for my bad English, I use a translator to help me.

More than a year ago we passed from being a branch to a ward, a new bishop was called at the same time.

Since that day neither the bishop, nor the councilors, nor the secretaries can administer the ward calendars. Basically the calendars remain as they were, but all of them have lost the rights to administer calendars, create them, edit activities, manage the rights to administer calendars and other things. The bishop can only create activities in the youth calendar, but not in any other calendar. Counselors and secretaries can't do anything, they always get a message to contact the secretary (even secretaries). The other leaders can't create activities in their respective calendars either.

I have consulted the stake secretary and he does not know where the problem is. I have consulted with church support and they tell me to contact the local leaders. :roll:

It's really frustrating, we don't know what to do or who to talk to anymore. :cry: :cry:

I hope someone can help me.
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Re: Calendar management permissions problem

Post by russellhltn »

I would have someone in the bishopric contact the Global Service Desk and open a ticket on the problem.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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Re: Calendar management permissions problem

Post by wincaos »

Thank you very much for your answer.

I have written to support and they first told me to contact the stake leaders, but they have no way to solve it.
After insisting they told me that they have contacted the developers and they are looking for a solution.

I hope to see if they solve it soon.

Thank you.
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Re: Calendar management permissions problem

Post by wincaos »

Hello again,
just to update the status of the problem and to see if any developer, leader or whoever sees this message can help solve this problem.

We contacted church support and after being told they would check it out there is no further response.

Everything is still working just as bad, there is no way to egstioanr the calendars, the “contact the ward secretary” error that comes up for the ward secretary is still there. The counselors can't do anything, and the bishop can only edit the young men's calendar. No one can manage settings or anything.

It is a big problem and headache to coordinate activities with the other ward and the stake.

Help!!!!!!! :| :(

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