Create new payee account - unavailable

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Create new payee account - unavailable

Post by danshumway »

Please help. I've created new payee accounts before, for example, a local plumbing company who installed a new water heater for a widow.
But now I get an error message when I try to create a new payee account. It says,

"Uh oh! We're Sorry ... It looks like something went wrong which prevented the page you requested from displaying. Sorry for any inconvenience that this may have caused!"

I tried several times. I logged out and in. I restarted the computer. I waited a week. No success.

What should I do?
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Re: Create new payee account - unavailable

Post by jdlessley »

If both attempts were made on a Sunday, try adding the new payee on a weekday when the service loads are lower. If that doesn't resolve the issue, then call the Global Services Department for them to look into the issue.
JD Lessley
Have you tried finding your answer on the Help Center or Tech Wiki?
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Re: Create new payee account - unavailable

Post by russellhltn »

See this post.

There's a problem adding a payee when processing an expensed. You need to add them from the "Participants" tab.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.

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