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Leader and Clerk Resources
The Leader Portal on provides stake presidencies, bishoprics, executive secretaries, and clerks with access to helpful resources for their leadership callings. The resources include links to relevant applications, reports from MLS, calling lists, and tools for focusing on members. By consolidating these resources into one secure, online location, leaders can spend less time managing administrative details and more time ministering to members.
Callings with Leader Portal access
Members with the following callings have access to the Leader Portal:
- Stake Presidency (President, 1st and 2nd Counselor)
- District Presidency (President, 1st and 2nd Counselor)
- Bishopric (Bishop, 1st and 2nd Counselor)
- Branch Presidency (President, 1st and 2nd Counselor)
- Executive Secretary
- Assistant Executive Secretary (Stake only)
- Clerk
- Assistant Clerk - Membership
- Assistant Clerk
Some callings do not currently have access but will have access in the near future. These callings include:
- Assistant Clerk - Finance
- Assistant Clerk - Technology Specialist
- Acting Ward/Branch Leaders
NOTE: Finance clerks do not yet have access because the Leader Portal still lacks financial tools.
In order to gain access to the Leader Portal the calling must be recorded in MLS with the appropriate standard position.
Accessing the Leader Portal
To access the Leader Portal:
- On, go to Tools > Leader and Clerk Resources. Or go directly to
- Sign in with your LDS Account.
The Leader Portal shows a toolbar and other resources for leaders.
As you explore the resources on the Leader Portal, you can return to the Leader Portal home page by clicking the home icon and selecting My Calling.
The Leader Portal Homepage
The following image shows the main features of the Leader Portal.
Navigation bar. The navigation bar is specific to the leadership portal and contains links to applications, tools, and reports. These resources are explained in more detail in the following sections. The options on this toolbar will continue to grow and change as new resources and tools are added.
Send a Message. The messaging system allows you to send a message to a member in your ward or stake. Start typing a member's name to see the available matches. The message will appear to be sent from your LDS Account e-mail address and will include a tagline in the message footer noting your name and calling. You can also send an e-mail message to a predefined list that appears, such as Stake Council or Stake Young Mens Presidency. These lists group together members by calling.
If members have selected to keep their contact information private, leaders will see a visual indicator letting them know the members prefer not to be contacted. For countries outside the European Union, member contact information is shown by default until a member chooses to make it private. For countries inside the European Union, it's the opposite: member contact information is private by default until a member chooses to show it. (This data privacy policy conforms to European Union data privacy directives.) See Data privacy setting in Directory for more detail.
Member Lookup. In the Member Lookup field, start typing the name of a member in your ward or stake. As soon as you type a few letters, a list of matches appears (for both first and last names). After you select a name, a pop-up box appears with details about the member, including family information, ordinance dates, and calling information.
Communications. The Communications area shows official communications from Church Headquarters and messages from applications. Notifications from applications will contain links that take you directly into the application.
Schedule. The schedule shows events from calendars you are subscribed to. The calendar allows you to create both public and private calendars. For example, you can create a Ward Activities Calendar or Temple Calendar that all members can see. However, you can also create private calendars that only you and those you select can see. Common private calendars include interview schedules and private meetings. The Leader Portal brings the details of all calendars into your immediate view. For more information about the calendar, see the Calendar Help.
Leadership Training Resources. The center of the Leadership Portal shows leadership training resources, such as from World Wide Leadership Training or other resources from the Priesthood Department. Church Headquarters can easily publish new materials in this section that are timely and relevant for leaders.
Welfare Tools. This new feature provides bishops with information about welfare. Features are still being added.
Church Handbooks. Users can access online versions of Church handbooks. Access is role-based. Only those who can obtain a hard copy will be able to view the online copy.
Directory of Leaders. The Directory of Leaders gives you quick access to the Church Directory of Leaders (CDOL). This directory shows contact information for leaders across the Church, including clerks, bishops, seminary instructors, stake presidents, patriarchs, seventies, apostles, and more. You can see the leader's position, phone number, unit, and location.
The Resources section on the navigation bar provides links to applications that can help with your calling.
Each application from this Resources menu is described briefly below.
Member Focus. Member Focus allows a leader (bishop or stake president) and executive secretary to keep track of individuals they're working with by listing the names in a convenient location. For example, suppose you're working with a priest named Joe to help advance him to the Melchizedek priesthood. You might add Joe to this list so you can periodically review his progress.
After you add a member's name to the list, you can click the member's name to see details about the member, including his or her family information, ordinances, and callings. In the Last Appointment field, you can note the date you last met with the individual. Although Member Focus doesn't allow you to make notes about members, you can click two links:
- Request Appointment: Sends a message to the executive secretary requesting an appointment with the member.
- Send Message: Sends a message directly to the individual (based on the contact information in MLS).
Interviews. Interviews shows you upcoming interviews that are scheduled with members. This is a simple application that allows executive secretaries to inform the bishop about the interviews that are scheduled.
Missionary Recommend Entry. The Missionary Online Recommendation System allows bishops and stake presidents to move missionary candidates through the missionary submission process. You can add your comments in the system and submit the forms to the next level.
Church Directory of Organizations and Leaders. This directory (referred to as CDOL) contains a global database of leader contact information. CDOL allows leaders to quickly call one another for a variety of reasons, such as when evaluating callings, conducting disciplinary councils, administering welfare, submitting applications, and more.
Employment Resource Services. Employment Resource Services helps members find employment, education resources, and community resources. Members can view job listings, build profiles of job history and skills, and save job searches. This site also provides information resources for leaders to help unemployed members.
Temple Entry System. After issuing temple recommends to members, you use Temple Entry System to activate or deactivate the recommends.
Purchase Materials. Purchase Materials takes you to the new Online Store at, where you can order supplies for your ward or stake, scriptures, garments and temple clothing, manuals, gospel study materials, and more.
Action and Interview List. This list compiles actions that need to be taken in a ward or stake. The following situations are highlighted: children approaching baptism age, unbaptized members, overdue Aaronic priesthood ordinations, young men approaching mission age, men who have not served a mission, and potential missionary couples.
Key Indicators. Key indicators shows a chart of key statistics, such as sacrament meeting attendance, home teaching, endowed adults with temple recommends, and so on. The chart allows you to layer the statistics on top of each other so you can compare and contrast trends.
The Membership menu provides access to membership records and the Officers Sustained Form.
The Organizations menu shows reports about callings. These calling reports allow bishops and stake presidents to more quickly fill open callings, monitor existing callings, and identify members who need callings.
There are a multitude of options to look at the organization. You can look at comprehensive lists or lists specific to an organization.
The Reports menu shows common reports from MLS.
The following reports are currently available:
- Action and Interview List
- Unit Statistics
- Without Recommend
- Members Moved In
- Not Endowed
- Birthday List
- Quarterly Report
- New Member
- Key Indicators
- Temple Recommend Status
- Attendance Rolls
The Instruction menu provides leaders access to information on various subjects.
The information currently in the Leadership Portal is just the beginning. More of the information from MLS will continue to migrate online, in addition to home and visiting teaching modules, a leadership training library, and more. The calendar and directory will also be more integrated. These enhancements will take place in 2011 and beyond.