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The stake clerk has responsibility for training other clerks and secretaries throughout the stake; the ward clerk has this responsibility in the ward. Each person with any kind of record-keeping responsibility also has an individual responsibility to obtain any training needed.


Stake clerk

The stake clerk is responsible to:

  • Coordinate training for those involved in record keeping throughout the stake, including assistant stake clerks; ward clerks from each ward; assistant ward clerks from each ward; and quorum, group, and auxiliary secretaries from each ward.[1]
  • Use the online lessons for training in the stake.
  • Give clerks an opportunity to discuss the lessons with himself or one of his assistants and ask any questions they may have.

Record-keeping training in a stake is most successful if the stake clerk leads the training process and follows up to make sure training is accomplished.

Training sessions should be held:

  • When a new ward clerk or assistant stake clerk is called. Training should be completed no later than 30 days after the new clerk is called.
  • When a new record-keeping program is introduced.
  • When a clerk asks for help.
  • When a financial or membership audit indicates that there is a problem.

The training should include clear instructions explaining:

  • The responsibilities of the ward clerk or assistant stake clerk.
  • Church record-keeping policies and procedures.
  • The confidentiality of records.
  • How to use the Member and Leader Services (MLS) software.

As this training is accomplished, it will provide knowledge, direction, and motivation to those involved with stake and ward record keeping. Training sessions should also help clerks understand the value and importance of their work.

Ward clerk

The ward clerk is responsible to:

  • Provide supervision, direction, support and backup to assistant ward clerks and quorum/auxiliary secretaries.
  • Make sure assistant ward clerks and quorum/auxiliary secretaries are fully trained.
  • Train bishopric members to understand their responsibilities for record keeping on request.
  • Request help with training from former clerks and secretaries, upon approval of the bishop.
  • Contact stake clerks as needed for assistance with training.

Training should be held when:

  • A new assistant clerk or secretary is called. Training should be completed no later than 30 days after the new clerk or secretary is called.
  • New record-keeping software is introduced.
  • A current secretary or clerk asks for help.
  • A quorum or auxiliary leader asks for help for a secretary under their direction.
  • Record keeping challenges are noted by a leader, ward clerk, or stake auditor.

Training should include clear instruction explaining:

  • Responsibilities of secretary or clerk
  • Church record-keeping policies and procedures
  • Time lines and procedures for compiling and preparing reports
  • Procedures for accomplishing necessary tasks
  • Confidentiality of records
  • MLS software training

Online training

Record-Keeping and Technology training is provided by Church HQ and is the best source of training new leaders. It can be accessed in multiple ways:

To access the training courses, you must sign in to the site with your LDS Account.

Using the online training

Most of the lessons are in Flash format. If you do not have the Flash player on your computer, you can download it from the Adobe Flash Player page.

The lessons are scattered throughout the Record-Keeping and Technology Support site. Pages that have training lessons will typically have a large picture of a clerk sitting at a computer, with a link to "Watch the Training Presentation."

The lessons contain navigational aids that can help you as you view the lesson. The menu at the right of the lesson allows you to:

  • Pause/Play
  • Move to the Previous/Next screen
  • Control the volume of the audio (or mute)
  • Expand the menu for further options

With the menu expanded, you will see new options:

  • Controls along the bottom of the lesson screen that serve the same functions as the mini menu described above, as well as a slider to move you to any point within a particular screen
  • A three-tabbed control at the right labeled:
    • Thumb: Thumbnails for each screen so that you can quickly move to any particular screen in the lesson
    • Notes: The complete narration of the current screen. This is useful if you cannot listen to the audio portion of the lessons (your computer has no speakers, or others in the area would be distracted by the audio), or if you want to copy some of the text to another application for training purposes.
    • Search: A text search to help you find text anywhere within the lesson. A search results list will display links to each screen that has matching text.

Note: Some of the newer lessons were created with SmartBuilder, and have a different interface than described above.

